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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
MySQL 5.6 GTIDs: Evaluation and Online Migration

A colleague and I have been looking at GTID on MySQL recently and you may be interested in the blog post that results from that. You can see it here.


How to Migrate Your Application to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud without Downtime

March 27, 2014 By Severalnines

With datacenters being stretched by resource-intensive applications, more and more businesses are outgrowing their existing in-house capacity and having to reconfigure their IT operations. But how do you migrate a busy application to a totally new data center without downtime? How will the application scale in a virtualized cloud environment? And how do you guard against cloud server failures and keep a high level of uptime?



In this example, we will show you how to migrate a Web application (Wordpress) from a local data center to a AWS VPC. Without downtime even! 


Main steps:

  • Setup the cloud servers (for web server + database)
  • Install Galera Cluster and ClusterControl
  • Setup MySQL replication between the single instance MySQL (local) to Galera Cluster (remote)
  • Sync your application …
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MariaDB Eventually Consistent?


Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in many large distributed databases which requires that all changes to a replicated piece of data eventually reach all affected replicas; conflict resolution is not handled and responsibility is pushed up to the application author in the event of conflicting updates [13].

Eventual consistency is a specific form of weak consistency; the storage system guarantees that if no new updates are made to the object, eventually all accesses will return the last updated value [14]. If no failures occur, the maximum size of the inconsistency window can be determined based on factors such as communication delays, the load on the system, and the number of replicas involved in the replication scheme [3].

A few examples of eventually consistent systems:

  • DNS
  • Asynchronous master/slave replication on an RDBMS e.g. MariaDB
  • memcached in front …
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My Favorite MongoDB Replication Feature: Crash Safety

At an extremely high level, replication in MongoDB and MySQL are similar. Both databases have exactly one machine, the primary (or master), that accepts writes from clients. With a single transaction (or atomic operation, in MongoDB’s case), the tables and oplog (or binary log in MySQL) are modified to reflect the change. The log captures what the change is so other secondaries (or slaves) can read the changes and process them, making the slaves identical to the master. (Note that I am NOT talking about multi-master replication.)

Underneath the covers, their implementations are quite different. And in peeking underneath the covers while developing TokuMX, I learned more about my favorite thing in …

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Advanced MySQL Replication Architectures and Latest Developments – free webinar

This Thursday (20th March 2014) we’ll be hosted a free webinar covering advanced MySQL Replication topics as well as the latest developments. As always, the webinar is free but you need to register here – even if you can’t join live, you’ll then be sent a link to the replay.

More details on what to expect…

The biggest Web sites in the world rely on MySQL Replication to scale-out and provide High Availability for their data. Extend your knowledge of how MySQL Replication works and what you can achieve with it; join us for this technical webinar to explore some of the more advanced replication architectures as well as some of the latest product developments:

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Real-Time Data Loading from MySQL to Hadoop using Tungsten Replicator 3.0 Webinar

To follow-up and describe some of the methods and techniques behind replicating into Hadoop from MySQL in real-time, and how this can be combined into your data workflow, Continuent are running a webinar with me presenting that will go over the details and provide a demo of the data replication process.

Real-Time Data Loading from MySQL to Hadoop with New Tungsten Replicator 3.0

Hadoop is an increasingly popular means of analyzing transaction data from MySQL. Up until now mechanisms for moving data between MySQL and Hadoop have been rather limited. The new Continuent Tungsten Replicator 3.0 provides enterprise-quality replication from MySQL to Hadoop. Tungsten Replicator 3.0 is 100% open source, released under a GPL V2 license, and available for download at Continuent Tungsten handles MySQL transaction …

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No application changes needed: 10 times faster slave with MariaDB 10 parallel replication

Parallel replication is in MariaDB 10.0. I did some benchmarks on the code in 10.0.9. The results are quite good! Here is a graph that shows a 10-times improvement when enabling parallel replication:

The graph shows the transaction per second as a function of number of slave worker threads, when the slave is executing events from the master at full speed. The master binlog was generated with sysbench oltp.lua. When the binlog is enabled on the slave and made crash-safe (--sync-binlog=1 --innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=1), the slave is about ten times faster at 12 worker threads and above compared to the old single-threaded replication.

These results are for in-order parallel replication. With in-order, transactions are committed on the …

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MySQL to Hadoop Step-By-Step

We had a great webinar on Thursday about replicating from MySQL to Hadoop (watch the whole thing). It was great, but one of the questions at the end was ‘is there an easy way to test’.

Sadly we can’t go giving out convenient ready-to-run downloads of these things because of licensing and and other complexities, so I want to try and make it as simple and straightforward as possible by giving you the directions to complete. I’m going to be point to the Continuent Documentation every now and then so this is not too crowded, but we should get through it pretty easily.

Major Decisions

For this to work: 

  • We’ll setup two VMs, one the master (running MySQL), the other the slave (Running Cloudera) …
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MMUG6: Madrid MySQL Users Group meeting to take place on 20th March 2014

Madrid MySQL Users Group will have its next meeting on 20th March. Details can be found on the group’s Meetup page.

I will be giving a presentation on MySQL replication hopefully aimed at all levels, but covering some details relevant to larger setups. The meeting will be in Spanish.

Look forward to seeing you there.

La próxima reunión de Madrid MySQL Users Group tendrá lugar el jueves 20 de marzo. Se puede encontrar más detalles en la página del grupo.  Ofreceré una presentación sobre replicación de MySQL dirigido a gente de todos los niveles, pero incluirá información relevante a entornos más grandes.  La presentación será en español.

Espero veros allí.

Real-Time Replication from MySQL to Cassandra

Earlier this month I blogged about our new Hadoop applier, I published the docs for that this week ( as part of the Tungsten Replicator 3.0 documentation ( It contains some additional interesting nuggets that will appear in future blog posts.

The main part of that functionality that performs the actual applier for Hadoop is based around a JavaScript applier engine – there will eventually be docs for that as part of the Batch Applier content ( …

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