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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Talking at the MySQL Conf&Expo 2009!

OK, I cheated and read my 'work' email! Today my talk proposal got accepted and I'm off to the MySQL Conference & Expo, held in Santa Clara (CA, USA), end April 2009. My talk will be about the MySQL Support Team: how it started, the transformation it went through and how it scales today (and much more!).

This is my first talk overseas! I'm quite excited!

Talks wanted for FOSDEM 2009

Organization for FOSDEM 2009 is in full swing. MySQL has a devroom, for which we want talk proposals. The call for papers ends on January 15, 2009. There is no registration for the event, but if you want to have a 1 hour speaker slot, please send us a proposal using this form. As usual, we are looking for quality presentations, regardless of the level. We like original talks and we will privilege innovative, creative, and well documented abstracts. You will find some guidelines on how to submit a successful proposal and more info on the event in MySQL Forge wiki.

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Kettle at the MySQL UC 2009

Hello Kettle fans,

Like Roland I got confirmation earlier this week that I could present my talk on “MySQL and Pentaho Data Integration in a cloud computing setting”, at the next MySQL user conference.

I’m very excited about the work we’ve done on the subject and it’s going to be great talking about it in April.

See you there!

Speaking at the MySQL Conference 2009

I am very proud to announce that so far, two proposal I submitted for the MySQL Conference 2009 have been approved! Wohoo!

(Did you submit a proposal too, and you still didn't receive a reply? No worries - there is a massive amount of proposals to go through. From past years experience I can say - Don't despair, just have some patience. It can take some time for the MySQL community guys to work though all the proposals.)

As every year, I am looking forward to this event a lot, and having the opportunity to speak there just brings a big smile to my face ;)

Anyway - These are the approved proposals:

  • Gearing up MySQL: Implementing MySQL synchronization for browser-based apps using an embedded database (powered by Google Gears)
  • Practical MySQL Plugin Development

The first proposal is for a 45 minute …

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Speaking about the Event Scheduler at the Users Conference 2009

The approvals are coming. I will be speaking at the MySQL Users Conference 2009.
Using the event scheduler. The friendly behind-the-scenes helper. My co-speaker will be none other than Andrey Hristov, the designer and implementer of the Event scheduler, one of the main features of MySQL 5.1.
MySQL@FOSDEM 2009: Call for participation

The FOSDEM 2009 organizers have been very kind to us this year: in addition to a Developer Room on Sunday, we now also have a project desk (1 table) on both days! Thank you very much! In summary, this means that there will be the following MySQL-related activities:

  • We will have a Project Stand (one table) on both days
  • On Sunday, we will have a MySQL Developer Room, allowing us to schedule our own track of talks about MySQL and related projects
  • I have been invited to give a talk about "MySQL High Availability Solutions" in the main conference track
  • I also submitted two proposals for lightning talks ("What's new in MySQL 5.1" and "Why you should use Bazaar for maintaining your OSS …
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MySQL@FOSDEM 2009: Call for participation

The FOSDEM 2009 organizers have been very kind to us this year: in addition to a Developer Room on Sunday, we now also have a project desk (1 table) on both days! Thank you very much! In summary, this means that there will be the following MySQL-related activities:

  • We will have a Project Stand (one table) on both days
  • On Sunday, we will have a MySQL Developer Room, allowing us to schedule our own track of talks about MySQL and related projects
  • I have been invited to give a talk about "MySQL High Availability Solutions" in the main conference track
  • I also submitted two proposals for lightning talks ("What's new in MySQL 5.1" and "Why you should use Bazaar for maintaining your OSS …
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MySQL@FOSDEM 2009 (Feb 7/8, Brussels, Belgium)

FOSDEM 2009, one of the biggest European Open Source conferences, will take place on February 7-8 in Brussels, Belgium. Today I received a confirmation from the organizers: MySQL will have a developer room on Sunday, the 8th! This is very cool.

My idea was to organize some kind of MySQL mini-conference, with a focus on developers and DBAs. I am going to send out a more formal CfP soon, but if you have any ideas or suggestions for a talks/sessions already, please get in touch with me!

In addition to the devroom, I have also been invited to give a talk about MySQL High Availability solutions in the conference main track. In this talk I plan to cover some commonly used HA setups for MySQL, including the OSS components/tools (for Linux and …

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MySQL@FOSDEM 2009 (Feb 7/8, Brussels, Belgium)

FOSDEM 2009, one of the biggest European Open Source conferences, will take place on February 7-8 in Brussels, Belgium. Today I received a confirmation from the organizers: MySQL will have a developer room on Sunday, the 8th! This is very cool.

My idea was to organize some kind of MySQL mini-conference, with a focus on developers and DBAs. I am going to send out a more formal CfP soon, but if you have any ideas or suggestions for a talks/sessions already, please get in touch with me!

In addition to the devroom, I have also been invited to give a talk about MySQL High Availability solutions in the conference main track. In this talk I plan to cover some commonly used HA setups for MySQL, including the OSS components/tools (for Linux and …

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Pictures from the OpenSQLCamp

I have finally uploaded the rest of my pictures from the OpenSQLCamp.

They include some of the shots taken with Dups in Washington. For a detailed account of what happened, see On The Road With The Community.

Some of my favorite picks:

The "splendid effort" to create an application from scratch in 6 hours. They did not succeed, but what a …

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Showing entries 471 to 480 of 620
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