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Displaying posts with tag: cloud (reset)
A guide to The 451 Group’s open source software coverage

Regular visitors to the 451 CAOS Theory blog will be well aware of The 451 Group’s CAOS (Commercial Adoption of Open Source) research service and our CAOS long-form reports.

They are probably less aware of the open source coverage that The 451 Group provides on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis, however, and I thought it would be worthwhile to provide some examples of The 451 Group’s ongoing open source coverage by highlighting a few recent reports.

The company’s core services are 451 Market Insight Service, which delivers daily insight into emerging enterprise IT markets, and 451 TechDealmaker, a forward-looking weekly …

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Oracle/Sun vs. The Cloud

Larry Ellison makes it very clear that Oracle believes in a back to the future model where software and hardware meld together into “systems”, purpose-built, integrated solutions. In other words you won’t buy an Oracle database and a server and configure it to run a data warehouse, instead you’ll buy the “Oracle Data Warehouse Server.” The first such system is Exadata, which is apparently doing quite well, according to Ellison.

This is a classic bundling, although some may call it a tying strategy. Microsoft, seeing that they couldn’t win each office productivity segment individually—including word processing, spreadsheet and presentations—decided to play to their strength and bundle them into a solution that no individual company could compete with. This is bundling. The tying strategy is where Microsoft used their dominance in …

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ZFS and Solaris: storage optimization for the cloud

Cloud computing has been one of the most discussed topic over the year, and the discussion is not over because what is really being discussed is the way we will access computing an storage resources in the future. Even famous French intellectuals are giving their opinion and making predictions. Future will decide on predictions's accuracy.

What is usually less discussed is the technology behind cloud-computing, though this is no secret that virtualization is playing a key role. Cloud data-centers will be loaded with virtual machines each of these machines potentially requiring in disk-space what a complete operating system (OS) requires, which can go up to many gigabytes. How much disk-space does a virtual machine image (vdi) really consum? The only good answer is: too much. Too much because the OS is part of the infrastructure as …

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ZFS and Solaris: storage optimization for the cloud

Cloud computing has been one of the most discussed topic over the year, and the discussion is not over because what is really being discussed is the way we will access computing an storage resources in the future. Even famous French intellectuals are giving their opinion and making predictions. Future will decide on predictions's accuracy.

What is usually less discussed is the technology behind cloud-computing, though this is no secret that virtualization is playing a key role. Cloud data-centers will be loaded with virtual machines each of these machines potentially requiring in disk-space what a complete operating system (OS) requires, which can go up to many gigabytes. How much disk-space does a virtual machine image (vdi) really consum? The only good answer is: too much. Too much because the OS is part of the infrastructure as …

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ZFS and Solaris: storage optimization for the cloud

Cloud computing has been one of the most discussed topic over the year, and the discussion is not over because what is really being discussed is the way we will access computing an storage resources in the future. Even famous French intellectuals are giving their opinion and making predictions. Future will decide on predictions's accuracy.

What is usually less discussed is the technology behind cloud-computing, though this is no secret that virtualization is playing a key role. Cloud data-centers will be loaded with virtual machines each of these machines potentially requiring in disk-space what a complete operating system (OS) requires, which can go up to many gigabytes. How much disk-space does a virtual machine image (vdi) really consum? The only good answer is: too much. Too much because the OS is part of the infrastructure as …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.12.04

Eben Moglen says EC case against Oracle-Sun is flawed. The value of open source. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

# Eben Moglen told the EC he does not see threat to competition from Oracle-Sun, says EC’s objections are flawed. A statement from the SFLC is …

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VirtualBox Factory: HowTo Automate VBox Provisioning in a Cloud

For many years now, Sun provides ISVs with on-line access to Solaris, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Java, Netbeans, compilers, and much more.  This service is named EZQual and is used to evaluate Sun software,  and port and test applications on the Sun platform. To satisfy the demand we must be able to host many ISVs on a single system so we decided from scratch that the service would be implemented using virtualization, just like a cloud. Also, to provide a better user experience we decided to offer a remote desktop feature that, in conjunction with the virtualiztion, really offers what is known as a virtual desktop.

So far virtualization has been based on Solaris containers. Amongst other advantages, containers are easily provisioned by cloning a first template container. This feature is useful when - like us - you provision a …

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VirtualBox Factory: HowTo Automate VBox Provisioning in a Cloud

For many years now, Sun provides ISVs with on-line access to Solaris, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Java, Netbeans, compilers, and much more.  This service is named EZQual and is used to evaluate Sun software,  and port and test applications on the Sun platform. To satisfy the demand we must be able to host many ISVs on a single system so we decided from scratch that the service would be implemented using virtualization, just like a cloud. Also, to provide a better user experience we decided to offer a remote desktop feature that, in conjunction with the virtualiztion, really offers what is known as a virtual desktop.

So far virtualization has been based on Solaris containers. Amongst other advantages, containers are easily provisioned by cloning a first template container. This feature is useful when - like us - you provision a …

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VirtualBox Factory: HowTo Automate VBox Provisioning in a Cloud

For many years now, Sun provides ISVs with on-line access to Solaris, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Java, Netbeans, compilers, and much more.  This service is named EZQual and is used to evaluate Sun software,  and port and test applications on the Sun platform. To satisfy the demand we must be able to host many ISVs on a single system so we decided from scratch that the service would be implemented using virtualization, just like a cloud. Also, to provide a better user experience we decided to offer a remote desktop feature that, in conjunction with the virtualiztion, really offers what is known as a virtual desktop.

So far virtualization has been based on Solaris containers. Amongst other advantages, containers are easily provisioned by cloning a first template container. This feature is useful when - like us - you provision a …

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Open source and the cloud - the quick and the dead

Savio Rodrigues has published a post arguing that cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft’s Azure pose a threat to the monetization of open source by specialist vendors.

Savio makes a good case based on the recent launch of AWS’s Relational Database Service, based on MySQL, and Microsoft’s support for MySQL and Tomcat on Azure:

“When Amazon decided to offer MySQL via Amazon RDS, they did so without purchasing MySQL support from Sun. I’ve confirmed that Microsoft Azure is supporting MySQL on Azure without paying Sun for a MySQL Enterprise subscription.”

Clearly there is a threat to open source vendors from cloud-based services. Meanwhile I have previous …

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Showing entries 471 to 480 of 547
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