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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster (reset)
Vista™, Virtual Box, Solaris™ 10, MySQL™ Cluster

..aka how to spend a magnificent Sunday-Monday in SUN’s company :)

If your applications run on Windows™ and you need a MySQL™ Cluster for testing purposes you can use Virtual Box to install SUN Solaris™  10 and set up the Database Cluster creating 4 Solaris™ Zones (4 IP are required for a minimal Cluster setup).

It’s an interesting scenario.

You will need:

You can create the Solaris™ Zones manually or you can create them …

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The Case for MySQL Cluster Certification

Why are the best technical books also the thinnest? To make the case, I highly recommend the MySQL 5.1 Cluster Certification Study Guide In rack units, it’s a 1U; it fits nicely into my laptop bag; and if you’re considering implementing MySQL Cluster, it can save you a world of time.

Of course, if you get the book, you should consider the certification itself. There’s a legitimate debate about the usefulness of certification exams, but the MySQL 5.1 Cluster certification is a little more important than others for a couple of reasons:

1. In case you haven’t heard it by now, Cluster isn’t always the best fit. In many cases, an active/passive failover setup is a much more flexible and cost-effective approach. It’s not always a clear-cut decision. If you’re willing to make application changes …

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Debugging MySQL Cluster data nodes(ndbd) using ndbout

One basic way of debugging the MySQL Cluster data nodes(ndbd) is with good old printf-style debugging. Ie. adding printouts of the variable you want to see, recompile, start the node(s) and run your tests. This is a bit tedious but very universal.

Support for printing is available using "ndbout", which has both C++ style and printf style. This functionality is implemented in storage/ndb/include/util/NdbOut.hpp

Here is an example from debugging BUG#37592, where I wanted to add printouts to "Dbtup::rebuild_page_free_list" to see how the pageId increases while the rebuild is running:

Dbtup::rebuild_page_free_list(Signal* signal)
Ptr fragOpPtr;
fragOpPtr.i = signal->theData[1];
Uint32 pageId = signal->theData[2];
Uint32 tail = signal->theData[3];
ptrCheckGuard(fragOpPtr, …
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MySQL Cluster splits from MySQL — not pluggable?

Kaj just announced that as of 5.1.25, MySQL Cluster will no longer be included in the normal MySQL packages. Instead, a new branch is being created for MySQL Cluster releases, where the first release is informally called “6.2.15″ but the releases are really named “mysql-5.1.23-ndb-6.2.15″. This new branch is based on the MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition of MySQL.

Overall, this seems like a good idea — the needs for releases, schedules, pressures, etc., are at odds between MySQL Cluster and MySQL’s core. I am, however, baffled by the decision of how to release the new product: coupled with MySQL as a single monolithic package with compiled-in storage engine. After all, 5.1 has long been touted to have this amazing new …

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MySQL 6.2 is GA, but 5.1 is RC and 6.0 is alpha

MySQL’s version numbering is getting harder and harder to understand. In fact, it’s getting surreal.

Let me state up front that there’s probably a lot I don’t know here. But if I don’t know, how on earth can the general public figure it out?

Before we begin, let’s define terms: GA is completely done, ready for use. RC is a release candidate: don’t change anything, just fix bugs because we’re charging towards a release here. Beta is possibly unsafe code, use at your own risk. Alpha is known to have significant bugs, but if you’re curious please play with it.

Now for the releases/versions game. Let’s recap:

  • 5.0 has version numbers that leapfrog each other in features and functionality. SHOW PROFILES — now you see it, now you don’t.
  • 5.1 has been “… released to general …
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MySQL Cluster?s Improved Release Model

The upcoming 5.1.25 release will see a change with regards to MySQL Cluster:

MySQL 5.1.25 binaries will be released without Cluster support.

This is due to a change in the development cycle of MySQL Cluster. The work on Cluster specific features is largely independent from the rest of the MySQL Server, which has resulted in our decision to release MySQL Cluster separately from the rest of the MySQL Server, effective with MySQL 5.1.25.

This change just goes for the binaries, though. Let me reassure you that:

  • Sun is still releasing MySQL Cluster under the GPL, as before.
  • MySQL 5.1 source code will still include Cluster, and you can download and compile it with …
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Getting Started Using NDB on MySQL University

We haven’t had a MySQL University session in a while (a semi-spring break?), but tomorrow’s session (May 8) should be real interesting. MySQL Cluster developer, Stewart Smith, will host a session titled Getting Started Using NDB. It will happen on May 8, at 13:00 UTC.

One of the most common queries I receive is from people wanting to install or get started with NDB usage (ok, strictly speaking, they want to “cluster” MySQL, and I’m happy Stewart is using the word “NDB” which refers to the storage engine). All in all, it should be a great session, so I encourage you to join in the festivities.

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Sakila the MySQL Dolphin at CommunityOne and JavaOne

Yes, I know. JavaOne is about Duke, the friendly mascot of Java technology. Created and maintained by James Gosling and all.

But MySQL also introduces Sakila to the JavaOne attendees. Sakila is also friendly, and the mascot of MySQL technology. The dolphin was chosen by MySQL founders Michael “Monty” Widenius and David Axmark, as was its name Sakila (which came from a naming contest in the early days).

Together with Giuseppe (in the picture above) and the rest of the MySQL Community Team, I will be handing out incarnations of Sakila (also seen above in the pic) at CommunityOne and JavaOne as follows:

  • Monday 5 May 2008 09:30-10:45: CommunityOne General Session: Ian Murdock, Sun Microsystems; Panel: Matt Asay, Alfresco CNET, Mårten Mickos, MySQL, Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation, Ted Leung, Python, Stormy Peters, …
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MySQL Replication Series (tip #1): what should be replicated and what should not be replicated?

Welcome to Tip #1 in MySQL Replication Series. In this tip we will go over what to do when you only want to replicate certain data to slave(s). Most general way to tell what is replicated to which slave is to include following configuration directive in my.cnf file depending on your environment and your goals. We will start with slave server side options since you have more flexibility on slave on what to replicate and what not to.

Slave server options:

  • replicate-do-db = dbname (or) replicate-do-db = dbname1, dbname2, …, dbnameN
    This option is used on slave server to tell the server to only replicate dbname db on this particular host. You would want to use this if you have a master which is replicating to multiple slaves and each slave may contain different database for read performance reasons.
  • replicate-ignore-db = dbname (or) …
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MySQL Replication Series: How does MySQL replication work?

Setting up replication is not hard and can be done by following simple directions. You can learn setting up two type of replication MySQL offers here: master-master replication and master-slave replication. Once you have replication set up, you can start playing with it without doing any more changes to the configuration. But let us face it, using replication in production environment and for sites which are either going live or are live, requires deeper knowledge of how replication can be used and what it can (or can not) do. We will start this “MySQL Replication Series” with briefly going over how MySQL replication works. Later in the series I will be posting some tips on …

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