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Displaying posts with tag: connector-net (reset)
MySQL Connector/Net 6.6 GA has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver
for MySQL has been released.  This is the GA, recommended for use in production environments.
Major features included are EF 4.3 support, Stored routines debugger integrated into Visual studio, Pluggable authentication & VS2012 support.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.4 RC1 has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.4, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the Release Candidate intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.3 Beta 2 has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.3, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the second of two beta releases intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.2 has been released

The 6.6 has reached Beta level major features are Stored routine debugger, Entity Framework 4.3 Migrations support, Authentication Plugin & Visual Studio 2012 support.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.1 Alpha 2 has been released

 MySQL Connector/Net 6.6.1, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the second of two alpha releases intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.  This release is not feature complete and there are limitations but it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work.  As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

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Intellisense Support

 Intellisense Support in Visual Studio

One of the cool features coming in Connector/NET 6.5 is the support in Visual Studio 2010 of Intellisense for MySql files.

As you probably know, the capability of editing mysql files (in the way of both .mysql raw files included in the solution and stored procedures/functions from Server Explorer) has been around for a while, yet a missing piece of the puzzle was to have advanced completion of sql statements in those files… until now.

Let’s explore the set of features currently implemented as part of Intellisense support.

Note: For completion intellisense features to work a database connection must be properly configured, see images below

For Server Explorer items, the connection is the root …
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Intellisense Support

One of the cool features coming in Connector/NET 6.5 is the support in Visual Studio 2010 of Intellisense for MySql files.

As you probably know, the capability of editing mysql files (in the way of both .mysql raw files included in the solution and stored procedures/functions from Server Explorer) has been around for a while, yet a missing piece of the puzzle was to have advanced completion of sql statements in those files… until now.

Milliseconds value support on DateTime Columns

Since the release of the 5.6 Community MySQL Server there is support for the milliseconds value in Time, TimeStamp and DateTime types.  You can find more information on this new feature at (  Starting with version 6.5, Connector/Net fully supports milliseconds. This support does not affect compatibility with older versions of MySQL and it gives you the ability to use fractional seconds when combining Connector/Net 6.5 with MySQL Server 5.6 or later.  Let's see how we should use it.

Creating a DateTime column that include Milliseconds value.

You can do this either using Connector/Net or using any MySQL client with a valid connection to your database.

For this case we're going to use MySqlCommand class within a console application in VS 2010.

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MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.0 beta has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.0, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is a beta release of our newest connector and comes with several new features.  It is of beta quality and should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from here and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

This new versions brings new features such as

  • Exception and command injector support
  • Millseconds support
  • Better partial-trust support
  • Better intellisense including auto-completion when editing stored …
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MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.0 beta has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.5.0, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is a beta release of our newest connector and comes with several new features.  It is of beta quality and should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

It is now available in source and binary form from here and mirror sites (note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose another download site.)

This new versions brings new features such as

  • Exception and command injector support
  • Millseconds support
  • Better partial-trust support
  • Better intellisense including auto-completion when editing stored …
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