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Displaying posts with tag: troubleshooting (reset)
Understanding and profiling MySQL execution with Callgrind, Pstack and Perf

You may sometimes hear complaints about MySQL not providing good enough tools for profiling and execution analysis. A few years ago I would have agreed with such opinions, thankfully MySQL developers have made huge efforts to improve the situation in recent major versions. MySQL DBAs now have some great native diagnostic tools at their disposal... which is totally not what this article is about :)
Native MySQL tooling (whatever it might be) is just the tip of the iceberg and if you want to be a better troubleshooter, SysAdmins are the first people you should talk to. Their toolboxes are full of awesomeness and the tools they use have one significant advantage over MySQL tools: they can analyze server execution holistically, regardless of the MySQL version you may be using.
In this article, we will have a look at three OS-level tools: pstack, perf and callgrind (Valgrind tool).

Introduction Tools …

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Profiling MySQL memory usage with Valgrind / Massif

High memory usage scenarios may sometimes be trivial to troubleshoot e.g. when memory parameters are explicitly set too high. Investigations into such issues may also prove to be very difficult when memory pressure is a result of specific workload patterns or better yet, engine bugs.
Advanced memory troubleshooting in MySQL was never easy but thanks to performance_schema memory instrumentation in MySQL 5.7, we finally have some tools to work with. There are still situations when performance schema will not be sufficient:

  1. On servers running MyQL <5.7 (well... vast majority),
  2. When the component you're interested in is not instrumented,
  3. When you don't fancy reading cryptic names of performance schema instruments. While I do love performance schema, this is no joke: OS-level heap profiles are much …
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Troubleshooting MySQL Performance. Step Zero: Check If You Have a Performance Problem to Troubleshoot

I lost count of the number of times I had customers come to me for a regular MySQL performance check-up saying “no, we don’t have any performance problems right now”, just to find they do actually have them, they’re just not aware of it. It’s no big surprise this happens when you’re not using your system as actively as your users are.

So let me share with you one trick I’m using to quickly check if the system I’m on has any problems that need troubleshooting. Actually, it’s dead simple. And no, it’s not a slow query log, it’s Threads_running. Let me show you.

Wait, what’s wrong with the slow query log?

Nothing at all. MySQL’s slow query log is a great tool when you’re looking for slow queries. Or when you’re fishing for things to optimize – either to reduce the resource consumption, or to increase speed for queries you didn’t know are slow.

And it’s …

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Debugging MySQL execution with server tracing

In the life of a professional MySQL DBA there comes a moment when issues are no longer trivial enough to be diagnosed using simple repros and built-in diagnostic commands. While trying to understand complex problems, you may be forced (challenged?) to look for answers at the lowest level, by analyzing the server's source code.
If you're a seasoned database engineer who killed several keyboards reporting MySQL bugs, you can stop reading now. If you're just about to begin your journey into the source, you could probably use all the help you can get so keep reading. In this short article I'll describe the MySQL server tracing feature I've been using as an aid during MySQL investigations. When investigating issues at code level, one of the first questions you will ask yourself is "where do I start?". Let's say you're attempting to debug a SHOW CREATE …

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Investigating memory usage with Performance Schema in MySQL 5.7

Performance Schema has been with us for a while now. Over the years, it has gone a long way from being a curiosity disabled by default to becoming a sophisticated diagnostic tool you may want to enable permanently in your production database.
MySQL 5.7 introduced some exciting Performance Schema features and the first one I'm going to look at is the instrumentation for server memory usage. Have I Got Data For You MySQL 5.7.9 (GA) supports the following memory summary tables (per documentation) that let you look at server memory usage from different angles:

  • "memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name" summarizes events for a given account.
  • "memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name" summarizes events for a given host.
  • "memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name" summarizes events for a given thread and event name.
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MySQL 5.7.6 is out. Be prepared for big changes

Today Oracle released MySQL 5.7.6 milestone 16. With this, MySQL 5.7 has been in development for over 2 years.
Compared to MySQL 5.6, the changes are quite extensive. The main effort of the team has been focused on speed, with performance reportedly improved from 2 to 3 times compared to previous releases.
A full list of what is new would take too much space here, but I would like to mention some key points:

  • Oracle has spent a considerable amount of energy in the improvement of MySQL security and safety. You will see many new features, but even more old features that were deprecated and more that were removed after deprecation in 5.6.
  • The installation process has been changing in every …
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Introducing ‘MySQL 101,’ a 2-day intensive educational track at Percona Live this April 15-16

Talking with Percona Live attendees last year I heard a couple of common themes. First, people told me that there is a lot of great advanced content at Percona Live but there is not much for people just starting to learn the ropes with MySQL. Second, they would like us to find a way to make such basic content less expensive.

I’m pleased to say we’re able to accommodate both of these wishes this year at Percona Live! We have created a two-day intensive track called “MySQL 101” that runs April 15-16. MySQL 101 is designed for developers, system administrators and DBAs familiar with other databases but not with MySQL. And of course it’s ideal for anyone else who would like to expand their professional experience to include MySQL. The sessions are designed to lay a solid foundation on many aspects of MySQL development, design and …

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Memory summary tables in Performance Schema in MySQL 5.7

One of great innovation in MySQL 5.7 is memory summary tables в Performance Schema and corresponding views in sys schema

And as troubleshooting freak I have huge reason to greet this feature.

Before version 5.7 we had very limited abilities to diagnose memory issues in MySQL. We could use operating system tools, such as vmstat, top, free, but they only showed what MySQL server uses memory, but do not show how. In version 5.7 things changed.

Lets examine what can we study about memory usage by MySQL Server.

At first, this is total amount of memory, used by all internal MySQL structures:

mysql> select * from …

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Tweaking MySQL Galera Cluster to handle large databases - open_files_limit

September 18, 2014 By Severalnines

Galera Cluster is a popular choice for achieving high availability using synchronous replication. Though if you are planning to run huge sites with many DB objects (tables), a few tweaks are necessary. 


Yes, you might have been successful in loading your 1000s of databases and 1000s of tables, but what happens if you have a node failure and Galera recovery fails?


In this blog post we will show you how to determine one common error related to the open_files_limit that MySQL imposes, and also to spot another potential pitfall.




If you are using wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup or wsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2 then you will find a log file in the data directory of the donor node. This log file is called innobackup.backup.log.

140912 19:10:15  innobackupex: Done. …
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By all means, learn from my mistakes as a DBA!

Here are 3 recent ' oops... wish I hadn't done that :/ ' mistakes I've made since joining moz that you might as well avoid (I'm sure there will be more, but they better not be the same)

Reviewing config files for MySQL, but not all of the defaults 

    We recently migrated a few MySQL databases to a new datacenter, and took advantage of the migration to upgrade the MySQL version(s) at the

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