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Displaying posts with tag: troubleshooting (reset)
The network is reliable

A fascinating post-mortem on high profile network failures:

This post is meant as a reference point–to illustrate that, according to a wide range of accounts, partitions occur in many real-world environments. Processes, servers, NICs, switches, local and wide area networks can all fail, and the resulting economic consequences are real. Network outages can suddenly arise in systems that are stable for months at a time, during routine upgrades, or as a result of emergency maintenance. The consequences of these outages range from increased latency and temporary unavailability to inconsistency, corruption, and data loss. Split-brain is not an academic concern: it happens to all kinds of systems–sometimes for days on end. Partitions deserve serious consideration.

MySQL binlogs - Don't forget to do your homework!

Now that I'm back doing just database stuff, I've come to realize I've gotten a little sloppy about doing my homework.  Homework's never been my favorite thing in the world, but it often reduces stress when your under the gun during an outage or upgrade...

We had a MySQL database server that's been slow on DML changes, and based on the slowest statements being 'COMMIT', we had a good mind

Troubleshooting Performance Diagrams

Last year, when I was speaking about MySQL performance at Devconf in Moscow, I expected my audience will be very experienced as this always happen at all PHPClub conferences. So I had to choose: either make full-day seminar and explain people every basic of performance, or rely on their knowledge and make some one and half hours seminar. I prefer short speeches, so I considered latter.

But even with such a mature audience you don't always know if they knew some or another basic thing. Like somebody can be good analyzing EXPLAIN output and other is in reading InnoDB Monitor printout. Also, native language of the audience is not English and it would be always good to have short reference to simple things, described in their native language. In this case Russian. This is why I created …

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Do we need a MySQL Cookbook?

The blog title says it all: Do we need a MySQL Cookbook? I tend to think so.

This seems to be something that is missing with current MySQL documentation. There is lots of information available but finding the appropriate bit can be quite tedious and it often requires looking in multiple places.

A lot of other software has such books, but for some reason MySQL seems to be missing one.

A recent example comes from a “documentation feature request” I posted today: MySQL 5.6 provides a way to “move InnoDB tables” from one server to another. There are many reasons why you may want to do it, but the documentation is currently rather sparse. A simple “example recipe” for this would be good, as would an equivalent recipe for other engines where you can do this such as MyISAM. This is just an isolated …

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MySQL Cluster: Troubleshooting Error 157 / 4009 Cluster Failure

Suddenly your application starts throwing "error 157" and performance degrades or is non-existing. It is easy to panic then and try all sorts of actions to get past the problem. We have seen several users doing:

  • rolling restart
  • stop cluster / start cluster

because they also see this in the error logs:

120828 13:15:11 [Warning] NDB: Could not acquire global schema lock (4009)Cluster Failure

That is not a really a nice error message. To begin with, it is a WARNING when something is obviously wrong. IMHO, it should be CRITICAL. Secondly, the message ‘Cluster Failure’ is misleading.  The cluster may not really have failed, so there is no point trying to restart it before we know more.

So what does error 157 mean and what can we do about it?

By using perror we can get a hint what it means:

$ …

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A CTO Must Never Do This…

Read the original article at A CTO Must Never Do This…

A couple years back I was contacted to look at a very strange problem.

The firm ran flash sales. An email goes out at noon, the website traffic explodes for a couple of hours, then settles back down to a trickle.

Of course you might imagine where this is going. During that peak, the MySQL database was brought to its knees. I was asked to do analysis during this peak load, and identify and fix problems. Make it go faster, please!

First day on the job I’m working with a team of outsourced DBAs. I was also working with a sort of swat team chatting on SKYPE, while monitoring the systems closely.

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MySQL 5.6 too verbose when creating data directory

When I install a MySQL package using MySQL Sandbox, if everything goes smoothly, I get an informative message on standard output, and I keep working.

This is OK

$HOME/opt/mysql/5.5.15/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults \
--user=$USER --basedir=$HOME/opt/mysql/5.5.15 \
--datadir=$HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_5_15/data \
Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:

/Users/gmax/opt/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/Users/gmax/opt/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h gmac4.local password 'new-password'

Alternatively you can run: …
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InnoDB disabled if ib_logfile files corrupted

I recently came across a dev VM running MySQL 5.0.77 (an old release, 28 January 2009) that didn’t have InnoDB available. skip-innodb wasn’t set, SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%innodb%' looked as expected, but with one exception: the value of have-innodb was DISABLED.

I confirmed this with SHOW ENGINES:

(root@localhost) [(none)]> show engines;
| Engine     | Support  | Comment                                                        |
| MyISAM     | DEFAULT  | Default engine as of MySQL 3.23 with great performance         |
| MEMORY     | YES      | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables      |
| InnoDB     | DISABLED | Supports transactions, row-level locking, and …
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Inode allocation on Amazon AWS RDS (Relation Database Service)

The attached storage used by Amazon’s managed Relational Database Service has a known issue where the bytes per inode ratio is very high (default on RHEL5 systems is 4096, to be found in /etc/mke2fs.conf). Amazon does not allow any administrative access to these instances so there is no way to reformat the filesystem to allocate more inodes, or attach storage the user can format with a different ratio.

This becomes problematic for databases that have many small tables (generally MyISAM tables, or InnoDB with the innodb_file_per_table setting) which quickly consume the available inodes. When the inode allocation is exhausted MySQL responds with

"ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 28 from storage engine"

The only current solution is to increase the size of attached storage, which increases the number of inodes (at the same …

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MySQL performance flow chart

Here’s an old-but-still-relevant (re)post from Major Hayen on improving MySQL performance. It’s a neat, concise reference guide for MySQL emergencies!

Original post

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