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Displaying posts with tag: cloning (reset)
Cloning a slave using Mysql Enterprise Backup on a GTID enabled server

MySQL 5.6 introduced a new feature called GTID (Global Transaction IDentifier) support in Replication. For every transaction that is committed on to the server, a GTID of the format :

server_uuid:transaction_id is written into the master's binary log.

This offers the following advantages:

  • Very helpful to set up a slave and create a replication setup.

  • User need not worry about fetching the master's binlog filename and position in the “CHANGE MASTER TO” command which is used to synchronise the slave with the master.

  • Applying GTIDs on slaves ensures consistency – since GTIDs are unique, it cannot be applied more than once on the server.

For a gtid enabled server, the following properties need to be set on both Master and Slave configuration files as shown below in …

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Do we need a MySQL Cookbook?

The blog title says it all: Do we need a MySQL Cookbook? I tend to think so.

This seems to be something that is missing with current MySQL documentation. There is lots of information available but finding the appropriate bit can be quite tedious and it often requires looking in multiple places.

A lot of other software has such books, but for some reason MySQL seems to be missing one.

A recent example comes from a “documentation feature request” I posted today: MySQL 5.6 provides a way to “move InnoDB tables” from one server to another. There are many reasons why you may want to do it, but the documentation is currently rather sparse. A simple “example recipe” for this would be good, as would an equivalent recipe for other engines where you can do this such as MyISAM. This is just an isolated …

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