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Displaying posts with tag: mysqldump (reset)
mysqldump each object separately

As a continuation to a previous blog post last week and inspired by Kedar I have created a small script to export tables, stored procedures, functions and views into their respective file. It works for multiple databases where you can specify a list of databases too and although things like events, triggers and such are still missing they are easily added.

It is especially useful to dump stored procedures separately since it is a lacking functionality in mysqldump.

I placed the script in mysql forge for anybody to use, provide feedback and possibly enhancements to it.

Dumping DDL – mysqldump tables, stored procedures, events, triggers (separately)

If you like to keep your ddl backed up in some source management tool like svn or cvs and want to do it individually for stored procedures, events, triggers, tables and such rather than having a single file you can easily do so using the below. You could even include the –skip-dump-date or –skip-comments and use the below to compare ddl daily checking for alterations thus making sure you are aware of any ddl changes done on the database.

password=`cat ~/.backup_password`
date=`date +%Y%m%d`

mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > "$path"/"$dbname"_triggers_"$date".sql
mysqldump -u$user -p$password -h$hostname -P$port --routines --skip-triggers --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $dbname > …

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Simple Backup Server

I have not written an article in a while, I partially blame it on the World Cup and my day job. The time has come to share some of my recent experiences with a neat project to provide several teams internally with current MySQL backups.

When faced with these types of challenges is my first step is to look into OSS packages and how can they be combined into an actual solution. It helps me understand the underlying technologies and challenges.

ZRM BackupI have reviewed Zmanda's Recovery Manager for MySQL Community Edition in the Fall 2008 issue of MySQL magazine. It remains one of my favorite backup tools for MySQL since it greatly simplifies the task and configuration of MySQL backups taking care of most of the details. Its flexible reporting capabilities came in handy for this project as …

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Backup large databases with mysqldump by splitting up the backup files

The primary responsibility of MySQL professionals is to establish and run proper backup and recovery plans. The most used method to backup a MySQL database is the mysqldump utility. This mysqldump utility creates a backup file for one or more MySQL databases that consists of DDL/DML statements needed to recreate the databases with their data. To [...]

MySQLDump from A to B with pipes

Moving your data and tables around comes in many different flavours. The use of mysqldump is common practice to dump your data and schema out to a file. It is also possible to pipe your mysqldump into a 2nd server. Try the code below (adapting the users and passwords!) in a test environment;
$ mysqldump -u UserA -p p455w0rd --single-transaction --all-databases --host=Server1 | mysql -u UserA -p p455w0rd --host=Server2
As you can see from the command we are taking all the databases in a single transaction into Server2 from Server1. If you're not using transactional tables substitute the --single-transaction for --lock-all-tables to ensure you get a consistent copy.

Remember; You must be able to see the 'other' server over the network and there must be permissions set for remote access from your feeding Server. For large databases this technique may not be suitable because of the performance restrictions surrounding …

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Steps to Move Copy Rename MySQL Database

Moving, copying or renaming database is a very basic activity. I have just noted a few commands for reference to quickly follow the required operation. 1. Rename database on Linux…

The post Steps to Move Copy Rename MySQL Database first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Simple Backup Restore Trick

I don't usually post these simple tricks, but it came to my attention today and it's very simple and have seen issues when trying to get around it. This one tries to solve the question: How do I restore my production backup to a different schema? It looks obvious, but I haven't seen many people thinking about it.

Most of the time backups using mysqldump will include the following line:

USE `schema`;
This is OK when you're trying to either (re)build a slave or restore a production database. But what about restoring it to a test server in a different schema?

The actual trick
Using vi (or similar) editors to edit the line will most likely result in the editor trying to load the whole backup file into memory, which might cause paging or even crash the server if the backup is big enough (I've seen it happen). Using sed (or similar) might take some time with a big …

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A backup today saves you tomorrow

Whether you’re working with MySQL, MySQL Cluster, or any other RDBMS, every database with a requirement for persistent data should always have a backup. As a Production DBA you’re the insurance policy to safeguard the data. Bad things do happen. Backups are your safety net to ensure you always have a way to recover should the worst happen and the database becomes irreparable.

There are many ways to produce a consistent backup of MySQL, I have listed a few of the options available below; Remember backups are your safety net, failing to retrieve a consistent backup when you need it most can be a very career limiting move, so no matter what backup method you choose always test your backups!

Logical Backups
The ever popular mysqldump is a backup and export utility provided with the MySQL binaries …

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Restoring XML-formatted MySQL dumps

EAVB_VFZUHIARHI To whom it may concern -

The mysqldump program can be used to make logical database backups. Although the vast majority of people use it to create SQL dumps, it is possible to dump both schema structure and data in XML format. There are a few bugs (#52792, #52793) in this feature, but these are not the topic of this post.XML output from mysqldumpDumping in XML format is done with the --xml or -X option. In addition, you should use the --hex-blob option otherwise the BLOB data will …

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MySQL: Partition-wise backups with mysqldump

To whom it may concern,

in response to a query from André Simões (also known as ITXpander), I slapped together a MySQL script that outputs mysqldump commands for backing up individual partitions of the tables in the current schema. The script is maintained as a snippet at MySQL Forge. How it worksThe script works by querying the information_schema.PARTITIONS system view to …

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