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Displaying posts with tag: mysqldump (reset)
Log Buffer #178, a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Dave Edwards has offered me to write this week's Log Buffer, and I couldn't help but jump at the opportunity. I'll dive straight into it.
OracleI'll start with Oracle, the dust of the Sun acquisition has settled, so maybe it's time to return our attention to the regular issues.

Lets start with Hemant Chitale's Common Error series and his Some Common Errors - 2 - NOLOGGING as a Hint explaining what to expect from NOLOGGING. Kamran Agayev offers us an insight into Hemant's personality with his Exclusive Interview with Hemant K Chitale. My favorite quote is:

Do you refer to the documentation? And how often does …

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Filtering mysqldump output

Several people have suggested a more flexible approach at mysqldump output in matter of user privileges.
When you dump the data structure for views, triggers, and stored routines, you also dump the permissions related to such objects, with the DEFINER clause.
It would be nice to have such DEFINER clauses removed, or even replaced with the appropriate users in the new database.

The mysqldump filter was created with this need in mind. It allows you to remove all DEFINER clauses and eventually replacing them with a better one.
For example:

mysqldump --no-data sakila | dump_filter --delete > …
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Video: Building a MySQL Slave and Keeping it in Sync

Last night at the Boston MySQL User Group I presented on how to get a consistent snapshot to build a slave, how to use mk-table-checksum to check for differences between masters and slaves on an ongoing basis, and how to use tools such as mk-table-sync and mysqldump to sync the data if there are any discrepancies.

The slides are online at

The video can be watched on youtube at or directly in your browser with the embedded player below:

Backup MySQL in a Second with ZFS

MySQL backup soon becomes an important matter when the database is used in production. The pain-point comes from the fact that while backuping the database is not available to respond to client requests anymore. With mysqldump - the standard tool for performing MySQL backups - and a large database the operation can go over many tenth of minutes if not hours. If I am running my business on line this is simply not acceptable.

The classical approach to workaround this problem is to take advantage of MySQL replication. I set up a master/slave configuration where the slave acts as copy of the master. Then, when needed, I run mysqldump on the slave without any service interruption on the master.

But ZFS snapshosts bring a new straightforward approach that avoids the pain and the complexity of a master/slave replication.

Snapshots are a key feature of ZFS that allows me to save a copy of …

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Extracting a Database From a mysqldump File

Restoring a single database from a full dump is pretty easy, using the mysql command line client’s --one-database option:

mysql> mysql -u root -p --one-database db_to_restore < fulldump.sql

But what if you don’t want to restore the database, you just want to extract it out of the dump file? Well, that happens to be easy as well, thanks to the magic of sed:

shell> sed -n '/^-- Current Database: `test`/,/^-- Current Database: `/p' fulldump.sql > test.sql

You just need to change “test” to be the name of the database you want extracted.

Backing up permissions for individual databases

Sometimes, you want to backup individual databases in MySQL to move to a different server. This part is easy using mysqldump:

shell> mysqldump -u root -p --databases db1 db2 ... > backup.sql

The problem is, what happens when you want to backup the permissions associated with these databases? Well, here are a few queries to help you out.

-- Grab the users with global permissions, 
-- with permissions to the databases you want, 
-- and tables/stored procedures in it.
mysql> SELECT u.* INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/user.txt'
                mysql.user u
        SELECT u.*
                mysql.user u,
                mysql.db d
                d.Db IN('db1', 'db2', ...) AND
                d.User = u.user
        SELECT u.* …
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A review of SecoBackup Amazon S3 backups for MySQL

After I wrote about things you need to know about MySQL backups, a customer contacted me and asked me what I know about SecoBackup for MySQL. I see it has a very low cost and Percona has Amazon accounts for testing purposes, so I quickly downloaded s3sql_2.2.0.1-2.01_i386.deb, installed it, configured it, and gave it a whirl.

Since I just want to see what it does to take a backup, I started up a sandbox running from /tmp/12345 and configured it to backup msandbox:msandbox@ (I shut down my main mysqld on my laptop to make sure it can’t connect to the default instance).

Then I configured a backup set and tried to take a backup. Right away I saw it isn’t full featured enough. It doesn’t let you specify a port to connect to. This …

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Restoring from a mysqldump into tables with triggers

This is actually old news, but I never thought to file a bug report (until now) or say anything to anyone about it. If you use mysqldump to dump and restore a MySQL table that has INSERT triggers, you can get different data in your restored database than you had when you dumped. [...]

Parallel mysqldump backup script available. Testers wanted.

Large databases, long mysqldump times, long waits for globally locked tables. These problems basically never go away when you rely on mysqldump with –all-databases or a list of databases, as it dumps schemas serially. I’m not going to explain serial vs parallel processing here since that’s a larger topic. Suffice to say that in these days of multi-core / multi-cpu servers we only make use of one processor’s core when we serially export databases using mysqldump. So, I have a new script that attempts to alleviate those issues and now I need testers to provide feedback/improvements.


In order to keep some sanity when dealing with hundreds of database servers, the script takes care of the following:

  1. low global locking time requirements: solved by parallel tasks / forked processes
  2. backup file checking: with mysqldump files; it checks for “–Dump completed” at the end of the sql file …
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MySQL Trigger Woes

After a period of inactivity I was hacking back on a Drupal project, I had taken a mysql dump from a production platform and imported into my local dev setup, just to have some realistic data.

All of a sudden some forms started failing with the following error:

user warning: There is no 'user'@'nonlocalhost registered query: insert into blah (stuff,morestuff) values (x,y) in /var/vhost/drupal-tree/includes/ on line 172.

My Drupal data connection was correct and working for selects etc.. only a limited set of inserts failed.

After some debugging I realised that the error was not Drupal related, running the same query on my MySQL console gave the same error.

ERROR 1449 (HY000): There is no 'user'@'nonlocalhost' registered

The error came from a trigger on the table I was inserting data into that had been created on the …

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