Update for all of those that are following the progress of Monolith. I’ve been busy this week coding the reporting engine - the code that analyses the hundreds of variables that are being collected - and I’m pleased to say that Perl was the correct choice for this application.Installation on the client servers will be a breeze, and relatively few non-standard modules are required for the server application.
I’ve been silently wondering for some time if the reporting engine equations should be part of a pluggable system (stored in the database) or if they should be hard coded. After writing up all of the equations, I’ve come to the conclusion that, for a quicker release, the equations and reporting engine will be hard-coded this time around for the default system alerts. Howeve -> user-defined alerts will be pluggable. Revisions ahead of 2.0 might feature pluggable main equations but I want v2.0 out asap.
Second bit of …
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