Here are some view tables that are going to be in the new release of Monolith. They work with the current release though, so maybe they will be useful for DBAs that have utilized the CLI to get data out of Monolith. The new release will feature an updated Status page that shows the data from these view tables instead of the “last 25 backups”. Edit the DEFINER user as needed.
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_monolith |
| dbs |
| process_exec |
| process_status |
| pruning |
| system |
| users |
| view_daily_result_all |
| view_daily_result_code1 |
| view_daily_result_code2 |
| view_daily_result_code3 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show create table view_daily_result_all\G