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Displaying posts with tag: MyRocks (reset)
This Week in Data: Thoughts from Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles

Welcome to a new weekly column on the Percona blog. My name is Colin Charles, Percona Chief Evangelist, and I have been involved in MySQL, MariaDB Server and the open source community for over a decade. Now I am at Percona, and this is my weekly column.

When you start a column, you have ask yourself what you’ll be writing about. Keeping the focus on the reader is what’s crucial. With this in mind, I plan to cover happenings, pointers and maybe even musings in this column. It’s August, and while many are away on summer vacations, there’s still plenty happening in the database world. So maybe this will be a little like the now-defunct, Weekly MySQL News. It will be broader than just MySQL, however, and focus on open source databases (after all, Percona’s mission is to …

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An Adventure in InnoDB Table Compression (for read-only tables)

In my last post about big MySQL deployments, I am quickly mentioning that InnoDB compression is allowing dividing disk usage by about 4.3 on a 200+ TiB dataset.  In this post, I will give more information about this specific use case of InnoDB table compression and I will share some statistics and learnings on this system and subject.  Note that I am not covering InnoDB page compression which is

Better Replication when running both InnoDB and MyRocks (or other Storage-Engines)

Kristian Nielsen is working on a new feature for MariaDB 10.3 and he published very interesting results.  This feature is MDEV-12179: Per-engine mysql.gtid_slave_pos tables.  He writes about replicating twice as fast in the worst case when using two storage engines (InnoDB and MariaRocks in his tests, but could also be InnoDB and TokuDB or TokuDB and MyRocks).  I will let you read all the details

Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017 Slides and Videos Available

The slides and videos from the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017 are available for viewing and download. The videos and slides cover the keynotes, breakout sessions and MySQL and MongoDB 101 sessions.

To view slides, go to the Percona Live agenda, and select the talk you want slides for from the schedule, and click through to the talk web page. The slides are available below the talk description. There is also a page with all the slides that is searchable by topic, talk title, speaker, company or keywords.

To view videos, go to the …

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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 on May 12, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.7.18, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 is the current GA release in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 series. Percona’s …

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In this blog post, we’ll look at MyRocks and the



Those who attended the March 30th webinar “MyRocks Troubleshooting” might remember our discussion with Yoshinori on 



I did more tests, and I can confirm that his words are true:


 works in MyRocks.

This quick example demonstrates this. The initial setup:

id int(11) NOT NULL,
f varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
insert into t values(12345, 'value1'), (54321, 'value2');

In session 1: …

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From Percona Live 2017: Thank You, Attendees!

From everyone at Percona and Percona Live 2017, we’d like to send a big thank you to all our sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees at this year’s conference.

This year’s conference was an outstanding success! The event brought the open source database community together, with a technical emphasis on the core topics of MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, AWS, RocksDB, time series, monitoring and other open source database technologies.

We will be posting tutorial and session presentation slides at the Percona Live site, and all of them should be available shortly. 

Highlights This Year:

  • Informative tutorials on day one, including …
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Percona Live 2017: Day Three Keynotes

Welcome to the third (and final) day of the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017, and the third (and final) set of Percona Live keynotes! The enthusiasm hasn’t waned here at Percona Live, and we had a full house on Thursday morning!

Day three of the conference kicked off with three keynotes talks, and ended with the Community Awards Ceremony:

Spinaltap: Airbnb’s Change Data Capture System

Xinyao Hu (AirBnB)

In this talk, Xinyao introduced Airbnb’s change data change system, Spinaltap. He briefly covered its design, and focused on various use cases inside Airbnb. These use cases covered both online …

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Percona Live 2017 Tutorials Day

Welcome to the first day of the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference: Percona Live 2017 tutorials day! While technically the first day of the conference, this day focused on provided hands-on tutorials for people interested in learning directly how to use open source tools and technologies.

Today attendees went to training sessions taught by open source database experts and got first-hand experience configuring, working with, and experimenting with various open source technologies and software.

The first full day (which includes opening keynote speakers and breakout sessions) starts Tuesday 4/25 at 9:00 am.

Some of the …

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Experimental Build of MyRocks with Percona Server for MySQL

We have been working on bringing out a build of MyRocks with Percona Server for MySQL.

MyRocks is a RocksDB-based storage engine. You can find more information about MyRocks here.

While there is still a lot of work to do, I want to share an experimental build of Percona Server for MySQL with MyRocks, which you can use to evaluate and test this engine

(WARNING: in NO WAY is this build supposed to be for production usage! Consider this ALPHA quality.)

The tar.gz binaries are available from our …

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