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Displaying posts with tag: drupal (reset)
Fosdem 2010

Fosdem 2010 was my 10th fosdem Edition (including the first OSDEM)
As every year Fosdem suffered even more from it's own success.

On Friday evening ther was the obligatory Beer event... however as people need to eat to .. the Devops crowd fled the scene

I had made reservations for a 20 something group and with the CentOS crowd joining us (as there was some overlap anyhow) we were 25 when we arrived in the restaurant .

Dinner and Discussions were great .. I learned about some new projects and we had some insightfull dicussions on how fat your thin foil should be ...

After dinner we went back to the Beer Event were lots of Free Beer was tasted ...

Saturday was the first full day of Fosdem, as usual Fosdem was the victim of it's own success , too much interresting stuff to see .. too little time.

Lots of Devrooms had the "FULL" sign put up more than you want as a visitor ...
I …

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Friendlist Graph Module for Drupal

At DrupalSouth 2010 (Wellington) after LCA2010, Peter and I implemented a Drupal module as a practical example of how the OQGRAPH engine can be used to enable social networking trickery in any website. The friendlist_graph module (available from GitHub) extends friendlist, which implements basic functionality of friends (2-way) and fans (1-way) for Drupal users.

The friendlist_graph module transposes the friendlist data using an OQGRAPH table, allowing you to query it in new and interesting ways. By adding some extra Drupal Views, it allows you to play Six …

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MySQL & Friends Meetup @ Fosdem

Fosdem is coming up again .. It's going to be the 10th edition already So it's going to be 2 days and nights of fun, tech and geek stuff

Lenz already posted the announcement , but allow me to recapitulate.

The MySQL & Friends meetup is on saturday evening , we'll meet around 1900 in front of the under the big tree in front of the AW building...

As with the Devops Meetup you can once again vote for your preferred food

The crowd voted and Favoured an Italian place , so I've made reservations for a 15+ persons group at Sogno d'Italia which is …

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Performance Tuning Your Database From Drupal

I began porting the dba module to Drupal 7 as an opportunity to learn more about the new database abstraction layer. In this upcoming Drupal release, our database layer is now built upon the PHP Data Objects (PDO) data-access abstraction layer, introducing new syntax and symantecs into writing queries with Drupal. A powerful new query builder makes it possible to easily write queries that run on any database type supported by Drupal, currently including MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

The dba module was always intended to be a useful tool for any database administrator, and toward that end I have recently merged in mysqlreport functionality which utilizes MySQL's server statistics to offer an overview of server health and performance. As an …

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Tag1 is Hiring!

Join the leading Drupal performance and scalability company. We architect infrastructures, optimize code and database queries, tune the applications serving web pages, and stay current with the latest performance and reliability technologies. We employee some of the leading contributers to the Drupal framework, including core contributors and contrib maintainers, as well as key members of the infrastructure team. We strive to continuously share our growing knowledge and contribute back performance patches to the larger open source community.

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Speaking, speaking, speaking: Dubai-Sydney-Wellington


From January 12th to 27th I will be traveling to the Southern Hemisphere and speaking at two user groups and two conferences.
The schedule (see below) is almost scary. I will be talking about Partitioning (Dubai and Wellington), MySQL Sandbox (Sydney and Wellington), Gearman (Wellington), and some general topics now and then.

The complete schedule and location follows:

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Option D

Lots of people writing about Snorkle again today ,Monty Says, help saving MySQL

He gives us different options, a , b or c .. but I , and some others, want an option d

No I don't trust Oracle, it's not like they have been a very good Open Source Citizen, yes they contribute to the kernel and other projects but my feeling says it's only because they have to (Kernel, Xen and others ) not because they Want to (thinking about Unfakable etc) , if they would really want to they probably would work with the CentOS community more etc, and as Monty mentions their InnoDB track record could be better.

But on the other hand I don't think the EU should block the deal because Monty wants his baby back , cheap , as honestly imvho that's what they really want, be able to buy MySQL back for a nice price, either beceause Oracle is being forced by the …

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MySQL user groups in Dubai and Sydney, on my way to NZ

In January 2010 I will attend Linux.Conf.Au, which this year is held in Wellington, New Zealand.
It's a long way from Europe to New Zealand, and so I will take a few stops.
On January 13 I will be in Dubai, UAE. If you are around, I would love to organize a MySQL meeting. I haven heard back from the local user group and it seems that a meeting will take place. Stay tuned for more.
On January 15th I will be in Sydney. The organizers are already at work. We will definitely have an user group meeting. I am open to suggestions about the …
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Simplenews Mass Subscribe

Simplenews is a quick and easy way to set up and manage newsletters on Drupal, but if you add it to a site which already has users, you might want a way to quickly subscribe all your users to your newsletter.

Rather than click through all users and manually subscribe them - which can be a little bit boring if you have thousands of users - you can run a few SQL queries to mass-subscribe everyone in one go.

Each user that is subscribed to ANY newsletter has an entry in the simplenews_subscriptions table, which contains their user id, their email address and an assigned subscription id. In addition to that, a user has a discrete entry in the simplenews_snid_tid table for each separate newsletter they're subscribed to.

The latter basically links the unique ID from the subscriptions table to the term ID from the Newsletter taxonomy.

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Topic: DrupalMySQL

Have a look at this video of Brian Aker's great 10 minute lightning talk about NoSQL. NoSQL is a database movement which promotes non-relational data stores that do not need a fixed schema.

With the exception of Memcached, the Drupal world is very SQL driven -- and for all the right reasons. However, both at Mollom and Acquia we have to deal with some big data volumes and have …

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