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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
Replication Renaming Schemas, Tables and Columns

Schema definitions on replication slaves sometimes differ. Ability to rename schemas, tables and columns and still setup replication with comfort is useful for MySQL to MySQL replication, while for heterogeneous topologies like these, it's a must. In this article I'll present a component which I recently developed to enable an easy way of renaming database objects during both (a) initial slave load (provisioning) and (b) real-time replication.

It is called RenameFilter and is part of the latest Tungsten Replicator build. RenameFilter works with all DBMS types that Replicator supports.

Specifying What to Rename
First, let's look at how rename definitions file looks like. It is a CSV file which first three columns specify what to rename, while …

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Getting started with replication from MySQL to Mongodb

Use tungsten replicator to replicate between mysql and mongodb.

Mysql tables are equivalent to collections in mongodb. The replication works by replicating inserts and updates. But all DDL statements on mysql are ignored...

Replication in detail

DDL statements in MySQL 5.x with row-based replication

In the replication topology I manage there are many layers of replication filters that prune data at the database and in a few places table level. The way MySQL replicates Data Definition Language (create, alter, drop) statements differs from how Data Manipulation Language (insert, update, delete) statements are handled with row-based replication. I often need to fix broken replication due to a lack of understanding of these subtle differences.

With row-based replication DML statements focus directly on the table being modified. DDL on the other hand always uses statement-based replication and is tied to what is known in MySQL as the "default database". The default database is the schema/database currently in use when a DDL …

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Tungsten University: Load a Vertica data warehouse with MySQL data


Continuent Tungsten offers real-time replication from MySQL to a variety of DBMS types including Vertica. In this Tungsten University webcast we will show you the details of setting up MySQL-to-Vertica replication, including the following topics:

Introduction to Continuent Tungsten features for data warehouse loading Installation for MySQL to Vertica replication Best practices for

Replication in MySQL 5.6: GTIDs benefits and limitations – Part 2

The main benefit of using GTIDs is to have much easier failover than with file-based replication. We will see how to change the replication topology when using GTID-based replication. That will show where GTIDs shine and where improvements are expected.

This is the second post of a series of articles focused on MySQL 5.6 GTIDs. You can find part one here.

Our goal will be to go from setup #1 to setup #2 on the picture below, following various scenarios:

For these tests, all servers are running on with ports ranging from 10000 for s0 to 10004 for s4.

Scenario #1: All slaves have processed all the writes

This is the easiest case, we will …

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Temporary Tables and Replication

I recently wrote about non-deterministic queries in the replication stream. That’s resolved by using either MIXED or ROW based replication rather than STATEMENT based.

Another thing that’s not fully handled by STATEMENT based replication is temporary tables. Imagine the following:

  1. Master: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE rpltmpbreak (i INT);
  2. Wait for slave to replicate this statement, then stop and start mysqld (not just STOP/START SLAVE)
  3. Master: INSERT INTO rpltmpbreak VALUES (1);

If for any reason a slave server shuts down and restarts after the temp table creation, replication will break because the temporary table will no longer exist on the restarted slave server. It’s obvious when you think about it, but nevertheless it’s quite …

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Getting started with replication from MySQL to MongoDB

As you probably know, Tungsten Replicator can replicate data from MySQL to MongoDB. The installation is relatively simple and, once done, replication works very well. There was a bug in the installation procedure recently, and as I was testing that the breakage has been fixed, I wanted to share the experience of getting started with this replication.

Step 1: install a MySQL server

For this exercise, we will use a MySQL sandbox running MySQL 5.5.31.

We download the binaries from and install a sandbox, making sure that it is configured as master, and that it is used row-based-replication.

$ mkdir -p $HOME/opt/mysql
$ cd ~/downloads
$ wget …
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Non-Deterministic Query in Replication Stream

You might find a warning like the below in your error log:

130522 17:54:18 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
Statement: INSERT INTO tbl2 SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE col IN (417,523)

What do MariaDB and MySQL mean with this warning? The server can’t guarantee that this exact query, with STATEMENT based replication, will always yield identical results on the slave.

Does that mean that you have to use ROW based (or MIXED) replication? Possibly, but not necessarily.

For this type of query, it primarily refers to the fact that without …

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MySQL at DrupalCamp, Goteborg - Sweden

DrupalCamp Conference is hold in Göteborg, Sweden on May 25, 2013.

MySQL is part of this show and I would like to invite you to our session on "Scalability and Availability with MySQL Replication" given by Sven Sandberg on Saturday-May 25, 2013 @ 13:45-14:25!

So, if you are close to Göteborg or attending this event, do not forget to come to listen Sven's talk!

Replication in MySQL 5.6: GTIDs benefits and limitations – Part 1

Global Transactions Identifiers are one of the new features regarding replication in MySQL 5.6. They open up a lot of opportunities to make the life of DBAs much easier when having to maintain servers under a specific replication topology. However you should keep in mind some limitations of the current implementation. This post is the first one of a series of articles focused on the implications of enabling GTIDs on a production setup.

The manual describes very nicely how to switch to GTID-based replication, I won’t repeat it.

Basically the steps are:

  • Make the master read-only so that the slaves can execute all events and be in sync with the master
  • Change configuration for all servers and …
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Showing entries 521 to 530 of 1056
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