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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
MySQL binlogs - Don't forget to do your homework!

Now that I'm back doing just database stuff, I've come to realize I've gotten a little sloppy about doing my homework.  Homework's never been my favorite thing in the world, but it often reduces stress when your under the gun during an outage or upgrade...

We had a MySQL database server that's been slow on DML changes, and based on the slowest statements being 'COMMIT', we had a good mind

Replication Enhancements in MySQL 5.7: SHOW SLAVE STATUS NONBLOCKING

2013 is on it's initial months and we already have 5.6 GA and the first release of 5.7, 5.7.1 DMR with lots of exciting new features, future is promising!

A new feature added in replication was the NONBLOCKING option to SHOW SLAVE STATUS command.

In the past if we stop slave during a big transaction, until the transaction was applied we cannot execute SHOW SLAVE STATUS to see the slave progress. The latter operation would block until the former finish, this would disable all external monitoring or third-party applications that need a immediate response from server.

To solve this problem, NONBLOCKING option was added to SHOW SLAVE STATUS, when it is used we can obtain immediate response from server about slave progress. As a …

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Delayed row-based replication with large tables lacking a primary key

I configure all our master databases to use row-based binary logging where I work. In my opinion it is a much safer option than statement-based replication. The advantages and disadvantages of both types of MySQL replication are detailed in the online documentation here. You can't view the events a slave is applying directly with 'show processlist' but by issuing 'show open tables where in use' you can detect what table is receiving the attention of the SQL thread. If you need more information the mysqlbinlog command must be used to decode the slaves relay logs or masters binary logs.

Our developers often change a lot of rows with a single update statement. This usually results in some reasonable replication lag on downstream slaves. Occasionally the lag continues to grow and eventually nagios …

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Why Does MySQL Replication Delays?

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These days I’ve answer some questions about replication lag, and I realized that most of people does not correctly understand how this process works internally on MySQL, and why does delays happen:

See the bellow image, it represents asynchronous replication on MySQL, I highly recommend you to read my other post:

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How Does MySQL Replication Works?

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See the bellow image, it represents how asynchronous replication works on MySQL

Bearing in mind the number on the image, let’s see how the process works:

  • Item 1 in the image represents the clients executing queries on master, note that the master is capable to handle multiple simultaneous connections (it can be configurable by max_connections variable). 
  • Master process these queries, and save it to his binary log(item number 2 in the image), then it can later on be replied on the slave.
  • The slave has 2 threads reubuntu mount ext4 partitionsponsible to deal with replication :

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Circular Replication in MySQL

Replication is a hot topic in MySQL 5.6, and for good reason: There are many excellent features that make it a strong well-supported feature, from the new Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs), to simplified replication configuration and automated failover using MySQL Utilities (now available in alpha as a separate download).

Circular Replication

The simplest topology consists of a master server that accepts changes, and slaves that replicate those changes from the master. A common requirement is for a network to have multiple servers that accept changes and replicate to each other. This is possible by means of circular …

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Got a packet bigger than ‘slave_max_allowed_packet’ bytes and binlog_format = STATEMENT | MIXED

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Got a packet bigger than ‘slave_max_allowed_packet’ bytes and binlog_format=STATEMENT|MIXED

Since version 5.1.64 MySQL introduces a new variable named slave_max_allowed_packet, which was introduced to allow large updates using row-based replication do not cause replication to fail when exceeded max_allowed_packet.

The problem is if you have you replication using binlog_format=STATEMENT or binlog_format=MIXED it ignores this option and use as limit for queries what is on max_allowed_packet variable but still reporting on slave_max_allowed_packet causing the IO_THREAD to report the wrong message.

Run the …

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Tungsten University: Replicate Between MySQL And Oracle

  Oracle is the most powerful DBMS in the world. However, Oracle's expensive and complex replication makes it difficult to build highly available applications or move data in real-time to data warehouses and popular databases like MySQL.

In this webinar you will learn how Continuent Tungsten solves problems with Oracle replication at a fraction of the cost of other solutions and with less

Galera pre-deployment check

One of the first things we do when preparing a client’s infrastructure for Galera deployment is see whether their schema is suitable.

  • Avoiding quirks and edge cases, we can say that Galera simply requires all tables to be InnoDB and also have a PRIMARY KEY (obviously having a PK in InnoDB is important anyway, for InnoDB-internal reasons).
  • We want to know about FULLTEXT indexes. With recent InnoDB versions also supporting FULLTEXT we need to check not just whether a table has such an index, but actually which engine it is.
  • Spatial indexes. While both InnoDB and MyISAM can deal with spatial datatypes (POINT, GEOMETRY, etc), only MyISAM has the spatial indexes.

Naturally, checking a schema in the server is more effective than going through other sources and possibly missing bits. On the downside, the only viable way to get this info out of MariaDB is INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but because of the way …

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MySQL Applier For Hadoop: Real time data export from MySQL to HDFS

MySQL replication enables data to be replicated from one MySQL database server (the master) to one or more MySQL database servers (the slaves). However, imagine the number of use cases being served if the slave (to which data is replicated) isn't restricted to be a MySQL server; but it can be any other database server or platform with replication events applied in real-time! 
This is what the new Hadoop Applier empowers you to do.
An example of such a slave could be a data warehouse system such as Apache Hive, which uses HDFS as a data store. If you have a Hive metastore associated with HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System), the Hadoop Applier can populate Hive tables in real time. Data is …

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