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Displaying posts with tag: RBR (reset)
The Fast Way to Import CSV Data Into a Tungsten Cluster

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

After importing a new section of user data into our Tungsten cluster, we are seeing perpetually rising replication lag. We are sitting at 8.5hrs estimated convergence time after importing around 50 million rows and this lag is climbing continuously. We are currently migrating some of our users from a NoSQL database into our Tungsten cluster. We have a procedure to write out a bunch of CSV files after translating our old data into columns and then we recursively send them to the write master using the mysql client. Specifically our import SQL is doing LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE and the reading in a large CSV file to do the import. We have 20k records per CSV file and we have 12 workers which insert them in parallel.

Simple Overview The Skinny

In cases like this, the slaves are having trouble with the database unable to keep up with the apply stage …

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The danger of no Primary Key when replicating in RBR (and a partial protection with MariaDB 10.1)

TL;DR: unless you know what you are doing, you should always have a primary key on your tables when replicating in RBR (and maybe even all the time).

TL;DR2: MariaDB 10.1 has an interesting way to protect against missing a primary key (innodb_force_primary_key) but it could be improved.

A few weeks ago, I was called off hours because replication delay on all the slaves from a replication chain

Funny replication breakage of Friday, January 13

A funny replication breakage kept me at the office longer than expected today (Friday 13 is not kind with me).

So question of the day: can you guess what the below UPDATE statement does (or what is wrong with it)?


Lossless RBR for MySQL 8.0?

Lossless RBR TL/DR: There’s been talk of moving the next release of MySQL to minimal RBR: I’d like to suggest an alternative: lossless RBR For MySQL 5.8 there was talk / suggestions about moving to minimal RBR as the default configuration (  I’m not comfortable with this because it means that by default you do not have … Continue reading Lossless RBR for MySQL 8.0?

The post Lossless RBR for MySQL 8.0? first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

SBR vs RBR when using On Duplicate Key Update for High Availability

The other day, I was discussing high availability (HA) with other people.  The discussion was going in the direction of, as the application was only using INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (ODKU) and traffic could be replayed, promoting a slave in case of the failure of the master was easy: replaying traffic would make all the slaves converge back to a common state.  It looks as this could work but it might not be as simple.  Before going into the details, let's take a step back and look into HA in general.

tl;dr: be careful when using row-based replication when replicating ODKU as slaves will stop replicating if a row is present on the master and missing on slave (or vice-versa).

High Availability by Promoting a Slave as the new Master
Let's suppose we are working …

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“Duplicate Entry” error for key PRIMARY on UPDATE query (RBR + Triggers)

Recently, I have faced one interesting issue with Master(Active)-Master(Passive) replication (RBR + Triggers). Passive master was stopped due to “Duplicate Entry” error with update statement. It was something like this.

Last_Error: Error ‘Duplicate entry ‘29014131’ for key ‘PRIMARY” on query. Default database: ‘db’. Query: ‘UPDATE `db`.`tab1` SET `empid`=’103′, `name`=’Nilnandan’,  `address`=’India ‘, `postcode`=’D100′, `phone`=’878 515 7788’;

Interesting thing was , id (primary key column) was not updated in above update statement. Initially I was confused but when I check further, found that both servers has binglog_format = row and there are some triggers in “tab1” table which is inserting records into “tab2” (Another table).

After some investigation, found that “If under row-based replication the slave applied the triggers as …

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Delayed row-based replication with large tables lacking a primary key

I configure all our master databases to use row-based binary logging where I work. In my opinion it is a much safer option than statement-based replication. The advantages and disadvantages of both types of MySQL replication are detailed in the online documentation here. You can't view the events a slave is applying directly with 'show processlist' but by issuing 'show open tables where in use' you can detect what table is receiving the attention of the SQL thread. If you need more information the mysqlbinlog command must be used to decode the slaves relay logs or masters binary logs.

Our developers often change a lot of rows with a single update statement. This usually results in some reasonable replication lag on downstream slaves. Occasionally the lag continues to grow and eventually nagios …

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Beware of RBR and tables without indexes

I always knew RBR and unindexed tables didn't play along very well, but never realized just how much you can distress a slave can in some cases.
Consider this statement (yeah yeah, i know :)
mysql> delete from t1 order by rand(); Query OK, 78130 rows affected (2.61 sec)
t1 has no indexes and is an int field with numbers from 1 to 78130. However, this will cause the slave to re-read entire table for each row deleted! Here it's still running, causing 100% cpu usage:
---TRANSACTION 0 1799, ACTIVE 2390 sec, OS thread id 3672 fetching rows mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 153 lock struct(s), heap size 30704, 78281 row lock(s), undo log entries 35423
Number of rows inserted 78130, updated 0, deleted 35423, read 1076560253 0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 17.58 deletes/s, 367099.91 reads/s
Over a billion row reads 40 minutes later and it's not even half done yet.For a large table this could take weeks or years to …

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Replication with InnoDB and MyISAM Transactions

There’s a change of behaviour in MySQL 5.1.31 for Row Based Replication, if you have InnoDB transactions that also write to a MyISAM (or other non-transactional engine) table. It’s a side effect of fixing Bug #40116. Take this simple example:

Transaction 1: INSERT INTO myisam_tbl (item, val) VALUES (1, 0);
Transaction 1: INSERT INTO innodb_tbl (item, val) VALUES (1, -1), (2, -1);
Transaction 1: UPDATE myisam_tbl SET val=val+1 WHERE item=1;
Transaction 1: UPDATE innodb_tbl SET val=( SELECT val FROM myisam_tbl WHERE item=1 ) WHERE item=1;
Transaction 2: UPDATE myisam_tbl SET val=val+1 WHERE item=1;
Transaction 2: UPDATE innodb_tbl SET val=( SELECT val FROM myisam_tbl WHERE item=1 ) WHERE item=2;
Transaction 2: COMMIT;
Transaction 1: COMMIT;

After this, the Master innodb_tbl would look like this:

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Q&A on MySQL 5.1

Listening to Sheeri's presentation on MySQL 5.1, I saw that there are a few questions left unanswered. I am listing here some of the questions that I found interesting, plus a few from an early webinar on the same topic.

Q: does Partitioning physically split data?
A: No. Some engines (MyISAM, Archive) do a physical split, but this is not necessary, as you see if you apply partitioning to a InnoDB table. Partitioning is a logical split of data, for easy retrieval. It is completely transparent to the user.
Q: Can you set partitions to different servers?
A: No. Partitions are logical parts of one table within one server. Partitioning through the Federated engine is not supported.
Q: How efficient are Row-Based …
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