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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
MySQL Applier For Hadoop: Implementation

This is a follow up post, describing the implementation details of Hadoop Applier, and steps to configure and install it. Hadoop Applier integrates MySQL with Hadoop providing the real-time replication of INSERTs to HDFS, and hence can be consumed by the data stores working on top of Hadoop. You can know more about the design rationale and per-requisites in the previous post.

Design and Implementation:

Hadoop Applier replicates rows inserted into a table in MySQL to the Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS). It uses an API provided by libhdfs, a C library to manipulate files in HDFS.

The library comes pre-compiled with Hadoop distributions. It connects to the MySQL master (or read …

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Installing and administering Tungsten Replicator - Part 2 : advanced

Switching roles

To get a taste of the power of Tungsten Replicator, we will show how to switch roles. This is a controlled operation (as opposed to fail-over), where we can decide when to switch and which nodes are involved.

In our topology, host1 is the master, and we have three slaves. We can either ask for a switch and let the script select the first available slave, or tell the script which slave should be promoted. The script will show us the steps needed to perform the operation.

IMPORTANT! Please note that this operation is not risk free. Tungsten replicator is a simple replication system, not a complete management tool like Continuent Tungsten. WIth the replicator, you must make sure that the applications have stopped writing to the master before starting the switch, and then you should address the application to the new master when the …

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Installing and Administering Tungsten Replicator - Part 1 - basics


Tungsten Replicator is an open source tool that does high performance replication across database servers. It was designed to replace MySQL replication, although it also supports replication from and to Oracle and other systems. In this article, we will only cover MySQL replication, both simple and multi-master.

Preparing for installation

To follow the material in this article, you will need a recent build of Tungsten Replicator. You can get the latest ones from In this article, we are using build 2.0.8-167.

Before starting any installation, you should make sure that you have satisfied all the prerequisites. Don't underestimate the list. Any missing …

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Why does MySQL replication fail?

Read the original article at Why does MySQL replication fail?

When considering active-active multi-master, you must consider it’s foundation technology. Although MySQL replication is straightforward to setup, it can fail in a myriad of ways. Most of those are known and well understood. We can solve them only if we use the technology in the standard way. Click through to the end for multi-master solutions [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. 5 Ways to fortify MySQL replication
  2. Easy …
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MySQL Replication: Self-Healing Recovery with GTIDs and MySQL Utilities

MySQL 5.6 includes a host of enhancements to replication, enabling DevOps teams to reliably scale-out their MySQL infrastructure across commodity hardware, on-premise or in the cloud.

One of the most significant enhancements is the introduction of Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) where the primary development motivation was:

- enabling seamless failover or switchover from a replication master to slave

- promoting that slave to the new master

- without manual intervention and with minimal service disruption.

You can download the new MySQL Replication High Availability Guide to learn more. …

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Granting privileges may break replication in MySQL 5.6.10

MySQL lets database administrators define access rights on many levels – from the ability to run global commands down to access to individual columns. Some rights can be applied to many different objects, such as for example SELECT or UPDATE, which can be granted globally or restricted only to certain databases or tables, while others are only meant for one specific purpose. An example of the latter could be FILE privilege, which permits user to interact with the file system from inside a database instance. It only makes sense as the global right and not anywhere else.

As any other activity that produces changes, GRANT statements are replicated to MySQL slaves. Regardless of the binary log format setting, such events are always logged in STATEMENT format. It is likely because the command needs to handle more than just updating the contents of a few system tables, so such design allows each slave to fully execute the changes within their …

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MySQL 5.6 Replication: All That Is New, On-Demand

The new MySQL 5.6 GA release delivers a host of new capabilities to support developers releasing new services faster, with more agility, performance and security .

One of the areas with the most far-reaching set of enhancements is MySQL replication used by the largest web, mobile and social properties to horizontally scale highly-available MySQL databases across distributed clusters of low cost, commodity servers.

A new on-demand MySQL 5.6 replication webinar takes you on a guided tour through all of those enhancements, including:

- 5x higher master and slave …

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See You at Percona Live 2013!

Percona Live 2013 is coming up fast.  This is hands-down the best MySQL conference of the year, attended by a lot of people I really respect.  Check the speaker list if you need some of their names.  I will also be doing two talks myself.

  • 9am Wednesday 24 April - Keynote:  How MySQL Can Thrive in the World of Massive Data Hype.  NoSQL solutions are oversold, but this is no reason for complacency in the MySQL community.  There are new challenges in data management, and we need to solve them or become irrelevant.   I will show some of the advances Continuent has on tap …
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Flexible Fail-over Policies Using MySQL and Global Transaction Identifiers

<< Previous Post: Advanced use of Global Transaction Identifiers

As we saw in my previous posts, Global Transaction Identifiers in MySQL 5.6 allow you to change the replication topology arbitrarily. You don't even need to specify the positions in the replication stream – when you turn on auto-positioning, the master automatically sends only those transactions that are missing on the slave.

When you do a fail-over, you want to make sure that the new master is up-to-date. For instance, consider the following scenario:
Server A is a master; B, C and …

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Multi-master data conflicts - Part 2: dealing with conflicts

In the first part of this article we examined the types of conflicts and their causes. In this part, we will analyse some of the methods available to deal with conflicts.

Pessimistic locking (or: conflicts won't happen)

Applicability: synchronous clusters with 2pc

We've covered this topic in the previous article, but it's worth repeating. If you use a synchronous cluster, you don't have conflicts. For example, MySQL Cluster ensures consistent data with updates coming from different nodes. However, MySQL Cluster is not a replacement for a MySQL server, and it has severe limitations.

Optimistic locking

Applicability: synchronous clusters without 2pc (Galera)

Conflicting transactions proceed on different nodes with local locking. The last one then …

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