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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
MariaDB Galera Cluster is a unique technology worth testing

As alway with new technology there is always different approaches regarding the adoption. You can try to use the bleeding edge features or start with a very standard configuration. My personal advise to new users is to start with the most basic configuration.

This allow you to get familiar with the fundamentals : - how [...]

Multi-master data conflicts - Part 1: understanding the problem

What is a conflict?

Readers of this blog know that one of my favorite tools, Tungsten Replicator, can easily create multi-master replication topologies, such as all-masters, star, fan-in. While this is good news for system designers and ambitious DBAs, it also brings some inconvenience. When you allow updates to happen in more than one master, you risk having conflicts. You may have heard this term before. For the sake of clarity, let's define what conflicts are, before analyzing each case in detail.

You have a conflict when several sources (masters) update concurrently the same data in asynchronous replication.

It's important to stress that this happens with asynchronous replication. In a truly synchronous cluster, where all data is kept consistent through 2-phase …

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Sessions at Percona Live MySQL Conference 2013: fun, competition, novelties, and a free pass

The Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013 is almost 1 month away. It's time to start planning, set the expectations, and decide what to attend. This post will give a roundup of some of the sessions that I recommend attending and I look forward to.

First, the unexpected!

After much talk and disbelief, here they come! Oracle engineers will participate to the Percona Live conference. This is wonderful! Their participation was requested by the organizers, by the attendees, and by community advocates, who all told the Oracle management how important it is to be in this conference. Finally, they have …

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Deploying remote MySQL sandboxes

Stating the problem.

In my job, I do a lot of testing. And no matter how much organized we try to be, we end up with fewer machines than we would need to run all the tests that we want.

For some tasks, we can run MySQL Sandbox, and get the job done. But sometimes we need to make sure that applications and systems work well across the network, and we need to install and run systems on separate servers.

However, when you test replication systems, and every cluster takes three or four servers, you run our of available hosts very quickly. So you decide to use the clusters that are dedicated to automated testing to also run your own manual tests. Soon you realize that the tests that you are running manually are clashing with the automated ones, or with the ones that your colleagues are running.

A simple solution is installing additional sandboxes for the MySQL …

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MySQL Web Reference Architectures - Your Guide to Innovating on the Web

MySQL is deployed in 9 of the top 10 most trafficked sites on the web including Facebook, Twitter, eBay and YouTube, as well as in some of the fastest growing services such as Tumblr, Pinterest and

Working with these companies has given MySQL developers, consultants and support engineers unique insight into how to design database-driven web architectures – whether deployed on-premise or in the cloud.

The MySQL Web Reference Architectures are a set of documented and repeatable best practices for building infrastructure that deliver the highest levels of scalability, agility and availability with the lowest levels of cost, risk and complexity. 

Four components common to most web and mobile properties are sized, with optimum deployment architectures for each:

• …

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Tungsten University: Set up and manage advanced replication topologies

  Do you know how to set up Tungsten Replication to handle multi-master topologies? Do you know how to replicate transactions from multiple MySQL servers into a single slave? Do you know how to replicate between Tungsten clusters? In this course we show you how to set up and manage complex replication topologies using Tungsten.

ddlscan - Utility to Help Analyze and Migrate Database Schemas

While working on one of the MySQL to Oracle replication projects for Continuent, I needed to implement an open-source utility for transforming MySQL schema to an Oracle dialect (DDL statements that create specific schema on Oracle) to save from otherwise tedious work. This article introduces ./ddlscan tool, which does that and is extensible to do much more.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Your favorite DBMS with some tables. Currently supported MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL.
  • Latest Tungsten Replicator build. Not even needed to install, enough to untar.
  • Velocity template of your choice. You will find …
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MySQL 5.6 Replication with GTID – Global Transaction ID

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Hi guys, Early February Oracle released the new version of MySQL named 5.6, one of the enhancements is the GTID (Global Transaction ID)

GTID is an unique identifier which will be added at each transaction, and will be very useful on the slave. remember before we needed to set MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS, now we don’t need them anymore.

Let’s see some new variables which we need to add to our cnf file:
gtid-mode : It will enable GTID, in order to this function work, we need to turn on log-bin and log-slave-updates
enforce-gtid-consistency : It will guarantee that only allowed command will be executed ( more information here)

Basicly, is only this what we need to enable GTID, for this tutorial I will …

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Parallel replication and GTID - A tale of two implementations

MySQL 5.6 is probably the version of MySQL with the biggest bundle of new features. You may want to try it soon, since it's now released as GA, and I would like to offer some practical experience on how to use some of the advanced features.

Since replication is my main interest, I will focus on some of the new features in this field, and I will compare what's available in MySQL 5.6 with Tungsten Replicator.

The focus of the comparison is usability, manageability, and some hidden functionality. Parallel replication has been available with Tungsten Replicator for almost two years, and Global Transaction Identifiers for much longer than that. With MySQL 5.6, it seems that the MySQL team wants to close the gap. While the main feature (parallel execution threads) is available and performing well, there are some shocking differences in terms of ease of use, administration …

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New Tungsten Replicator w/ MySQL 5.6 & Amazon RDS support

Tungsten Replicator 2.0.7 enables new MySQL versions, provides better support for multi-master and parallel replication, and improves setup of advanced topologies. In the MySQL area, we have added the ability to replicate from MySQL into Amazon RDS instances, as well as initial certification for MySQL 5.6. 

There are several important new features for multi-master replication, including better

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