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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
MySQL Cluster - Performance (UPDATE on PK) - >120K tx/sec

This post follows on the previous post on SELECT performance. In this post I want to show three things:

  1. How many single row UPDATEs per second you can do on on a Cluster with two data nodes (updating 64B data by the PRIMARY KEY, no batching)
  2. Show how MySQL Cluster scales with threads and mysql servers
  3. How ndb_cluster_connection_pool affects performance

Next post will be what happens to INSERTs.


  • two data nodes
  • one to four mysql servers
  • interconnected with Gig-E (single NIC)

deployed on six computers (of varying quality, but not really modern, see below). was co-located with each mysql …

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MySQL Cluster - Performance (UPDATE on PK) - >120K updates/sec

This post follows on the previous post on SELECT performance. In this post I want to show three things:

  1. How many single row UPDATEs per second you can do on on a Cluster with two data nodes (updating 64B data by the PRIMARY KEY, no batching)
  2. Show how MySQL Cluster scales with threads and mysql servers
  3. How ndb_cluster_connection_pool affects performance

Next post will be what happens to INSERTs.


  • two data nodes
  • one to four mysql servers
  • interconnected with Gig-E (single NIC)

deployed on six computers (of varying quality, but not really modern, see below). was co-located with each mysql …

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Optimizing the MySQL IN() Comparison Operations Which Include the Indexed Field

The MySQL IN() Comparison Operator is said to be very quick if all the values are constants (the values are then evaluated and sorted first, and the search is done using a binary search). However, what if the field which the IN clause refers to, is part of the index used to execute the query? […]

Dynamic linking costs two cycles

It turns out that the overhead of dynamic linking on Linux amd64 is 2 CPU cycles per cross-module call. I usually take forever to get to the point in my writing, so I thought I would change this for once :-)

In MySQL, there has been a historical tendency to favour static linking, in part because to avoid the overhead (in execution efficiency) associated with dynamic linking. However, on modern systems there are also very serious drawbacks when using static linking.

The particular issue that inspired this article is that I was working on MWL#74, building a proper shared library for the MariaDB embedded server. The lack of a proper in MySQL and MariaDB has caused no end of grief for packaging Amarok for the various Linux distributions. My patch …

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Tuning MySQL Server Settings

The default configuration file for MySQL is intended not to use many resources, because its a general purpose sort of a configuration file. The default configuration does enough to have MySQL running happily with limited resources and catering to simple queries and small data-sets. The configuration file would most definitely need to be customized and tuned if you intend on using complex queries and when you have good amount of data. Most of the tunings mentioned in this post are applicable to the MyISAM storage engine, I will soon be posting tunings applicable to the Innodb storage engine. Getting started...

MySQL Cluster - Performance (SELECT on PK)

In this post I want to show three things:

  1. How many single row SELECTs per second (on the PRIMARY KEY, no batching) you can do on on a Cluster with two data nodes
  2. Show how MySQL Cluster scales with threads and mysql servers
  3. How ndb_cluster_connection_pool affects performance

Next post will be what happens to INSERTs, and then UPDATEs.


  • two data nodes
  • one to four mysql servers
  • interconnected with Gig-E (single NIC)

deployed on six computers (of varying quality, see below). was co-located with each mysql servers to drive the load. The reads were a PK SELECT like:

SELECT data1,data2 FROM t1 WHERE id=[random];

data1 and data2 are each 256B, so in total 512B was read. …

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More on dangers of the caches

I wrote couple of weeks ago on dangers of bad cache design. Today I’ve been troubleshooting the production down case which had fair amount of issues related to how cache was used.

The deal was as following. The update to the codebase was performed and it caused performance issues, so it was rolled back but yet the problem remained. This is a very common case when you would see customer telling you everything is the same as it was yesterday… but it does not work today.

When I hear these words I like to tell people computers are state machines and they work in predictable way. If it does not work same today as it worked yesterday something was changed… it is just you may not recognize WHAT was changed. It may be something subtle as change in query plan or increase in search engine bot activity. It may be RAID writeback cache disabled …

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on performance stalls

We quite often say, that benchmark performance is usually different from real world performance – so performance engineering usually has to cover both – benchmarks allow to understand sustained performance bottlenecks, and real world analysis usually concentrates on something what would be considered ‘exceptional’ and not important in benchmarks – stalls of various kind. They are extremely important, as the state when our performance is lowest is the state of performance we provide to our platform users.

On a machine that is doing 5000qps, stalling for 100ms means that 500 queries were not served as fast as they could, or even hit application timeouts or exceptional MySQL conditions (like 1023 transaction limit). Of course, stalling for a second means 5000 queries were not served in time…

We have multiple methods to approach this – one is our …

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MySQL 5.5: InnoDB Performance Improvements on Windows

At MySQL, we know our users want Performance, Scalability, Reliability, and Availability, regardless of the platform the choose to deploy. We have always had excellent benchmarks on Linux, and with MySQL 5.5, we are also working hard on improving performance on Windows.

The original patch of improving Windows performance was developed by MySQL senior developer Vladislav Vaintroub; benchmarks by QA engineer Jonathan Miller. We integrated the patch into MySQL 5.5 release.

The following two charts show the comparison of MySQL 5.5 vs. MySQL 5.1 (plugin) vs. MySQL 5.1 (builtin) using sysbench:

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MySQL 5.5: InnoDB Change Buffering

To speed up bulk loading of data, InnoDB implements an insert buffer, a special index in the InnoDB system tablespace that buffers modifications to secondary indexes when the leaf pages are not in the buffer pool. Batched merges from the insert buffer to the index pages result in less random access patterns than when updating the pages directly. This speeds up the operation on hard disks.

In MySQL 5.5, the insert buffer has been extended to a change buffer, which covers all modifications of secondary index leaf pages. This will improve the performance of bulk deletes and updates, transaction rollback and the purging of deleted records (reducing the “purge lag”).

To assess the benefits of the extended buffering, you may want to run benchmarks with the settings innodb_change_buffering=all, innodb_change_buffering=inserts, and innodb_change_buffering=none. Users of solid-state storage, where random reads are …

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