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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
Presentation : JSON improvements in MySQL 8.0

MySQL User camp is one of the prestigious MySQL meetup happening in India for the past 6 years. Mydbops DBA’s PonSuresh and Vignesh has presented about the “JSON functions and their improvements in MySQL 8.0” at MySQL User Camp Bangalore on 13-02-2019.

JSON has been more improved a lot in MySQL 8.0 and improvements in LOB storage of MySQL boost it performance further. This presentation covers the JSON performance enhancements in MySQL 8.0 with its basic functions.

JSON improvements in MySQL 8.0 from Mydbops

Measuring Percona Server for MySQL On-Disk Decryption Overhead

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 comes with enterprise grade total data encryption features. However, there is always the question of how much overhead – or performance penalty – comes with the data decryption. As we saw in my networking performance post, SSL under high concurrency might be problematic. Is this the case for data decryption?

To measure any overhead, I will start with a simplified read-only workload, where data gets decrypted during read IO.

During query execution, the data in memory is already decrypted so there is no additional processing time. The decryption happens only for blocks that require a read from storage.

For the benchmark I will use the following workload:

sysbench …
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Installing WordPress 5 on ZEIT Now with MySQL Hosting

Want to deploy WordPress 5.0 on the Now platform by ZEIT? Our friends over at ZEIT’s Now global serverless deployment platform whipped up a great tutorial for WordPress5-on-Now using cheap MySQL hosting instances from ScaleGrid. With such strong interest in this installation, we decided to write up the steps to configure your MySQL database on the ScaleGrid side to get you up and running ever faster with WordPress on Now.

Leave your comments:
@now/wordpress summary:
◆ λ size = 13mb
◆ Just needs `wp-config.php`
◆ All static assets output directly to CDN …

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More Statistics for Slow Queries: log_slow_extra


The slow query log is the trusted old method of recording slow query, so the database administrator can determine which queries are in the most need for optimization. Since MySQL 5.6, it has to some extend been overshadowed by the Performance Schema which has lower overhead and thus allows collecting statistics about all queries. The slow query log has one major advantage though: the data is persisted. In MySQL 8.0.14 which was recently released, there is an improvement for the slow query log: additional statistics about the recorded queries.

The slow query log with log_slow_extra enabled.


Thanks for Facebook for …

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MySQL Tutorial – Understanding The Seconds Behind Master Value

In a MySQL hosting replication setup, the parameter Seconds_Behind_Master (SBM), as displayed by the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command, is commonly used as an indication of the current replication lag of the slave. In this blog post, we examine how to understand and interpret this value in various situations.

Possible Values of  Seconds Behind Master

The value of SBM, as explained in the  MySQL documentation, depends on the state of the MySQL slave in general, and the states of MySQL slave SQL_THREAD and IO_THREAD in particular. While IO_THREAD connects with the master and reads the updates, SQL_THREAD applies these updates on the slave. Let’s examine the possible values of SBM during different states of the MySQL Slave.

When SBM Value is Null

  • SBM is …
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MySQL Partition pruning Explained

Partitioning is a process in which a single larger table is split into several smaller tables (physically) and still considered as a single table.It is generally a good idea for the tables whose size is in a few 100 GB’s.

While performing select,update,delete operations in a partitioned tables, we can notice a better performance in queries .This simple process of optimization is called partition pruning in which we can avoid scanning the certain partitions which does not have any matching values based on partition key.

The following example will explain you in detail about the partition pruning

Here I have used an Amazon linux 2 machine

Hardware Info

1 core CPU
20 GB Disk (SSD) 
maximum of 3000 IOPS

MySQL 5.7 is installed in this machine and two tables (one is not partitioned and other is partitioned) with 1.7 million records of  same data is loaded in using …

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Will IO Size Affect your RDS Performance?​

During our recent consulting with one of our client, We came across an interesting issue on RDS. The baseline is that “Low IO size on your RDS instance can affect your DB performance”.  Yes, It’s IO size, Not IOPS.

We had our production systems running on RDS MySQL with a single master, 3 replicas. All instances are of same type db.m4.4xlarge with same parameter group configuration and the disk size is 1.5 TB. According to the AWS user guide, each of these instances can support up to 4500 (sustained IOPS) guaranteed IOPS.

Find below the Write IOPS graph for all the instances.

It’s understood that Write IOPS / pattern on Master can vary when compared with Slave, due to a lot of factors like binlog row format, log writing etc. But it has to be almost similar for all the slaves given that it …

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MySQL High Availability Framework Explained – Part II: Semisynchronous Replication

In Part I, we introduced a High Availability (HA) framework for MySQL hosting and discussed various components and their functionality. Now in Part II, we will discuss the details of MySQL semisynchronous replication and the related configuration settings that help us ensure redundancy and consistency of the data in our HA setup. Make sure to check back in for Part III where we will review various failure scenarios that could arise and the way the framework responds and recovers from these conditions.

What is MySQL Semisynchronous Replication?

Simply put, in a …

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ProxySQL Series : Query Cache with ProxySQL

We know that MySQL query cache is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.20 and removed in MySQL 8.0 and It has been recommended to use ProxySQL (or other) external query cache instead.

In this blog post, we’ll present the ProxySQL query cache functionality and how does it help us.

How to setup ProxySQL between client and database servers is out of the scope of this article.

If you are looking for other articles on ProxySQL Series :

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My Slides about MySQL 8.0 Performance from #OOW18 and #PerconaLIVE 2018

As promised, here are slides about MySQL 8.0 Performance from my talks at Oracle Open World 2018 and Percona LIVE Europe 2018 -- all is combined into a single PDF file to give you an overall summary about what we already completed, where we're going in the next updates within our "continuous release", and what kind of performance issues we're digging right now.. ;-))
Also, I'd like to say that both Conferences were simply awesome, and it's great to see a constantly growing level of skills of all MySQL Users attending these Conferences ! -- hope you'll have even more fun with MySQL 8.0 now ;-))

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