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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
MySQL Performance : 8.0 on IO-bound OLTP_RW vs Percona Server 5.7

This article is inspired by Percona blog post comparing MySQL 8.0 and Percona Server 5.7 on IO-bound workload with Intel Optane storage. There are several claims made by Vadim based on a single test case, which is simply unfair. So, I'll try to clarify this all based on more test results and more tech details..
But before we start, some intro :
InnoDB Parallel Flushing -- was introduced with MySQL 5.7 (as a single-thread flushing could no more follow), and implemented as dedicated parallel threads (cleaners) which are involved in background once per second to do LRU-driven flushing first (in case there is no more or too low amount of free pages) and then REDO-driven flushing (to flush …

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Presentation:Evolution of MySQL Parallel Replication

MySQL replication has evolved a lot in 5.6 ,5.7 and 8.0. This presentation focus on the changes made in parallel replication. It covers MySQL 8.0. It was presented at Mydbops database meetup on 04-08-2016 in Bangalore.

Resource Usage Improvements in Percona Monitoring and Management 1.13

In Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.13 we have adopted Prometheus 2, and with this comes a dramatic improvement in resource usage, along with performance improvements!

What does it mean for you? This means you can have a significantly larger number of servers and database instances monitored by the same PMM installation. Or you can reduce the instance size you use to monitor your environment and save some money.

Let’s look at some stats!

CPU Usage

We can see an approximate 5x and 8x reduction of CPU usage on these two PMM Servers. Depending on the workload, we see CPU usage reductions to range between 3x and 10x.

Disk Writes

There is also less disk write bandwidth required:

On this instance, the bandwidth reduction is “just” 1.5x times. …

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Saving With MyRocks in The Cloud

The main focus of a previous blog post was the performance of MyRocks when using fast SSD devices. However, I figured that MyRocks would be beneficial for use in cloud workloads, where storage is either slow or expensive.

In that earlier post, we demonstrated the benefits of MyRocks, especially for heavy IO workloads. Meanwhile, Mark wrote in his blog that the CPU overhead in MyRocks might be significant for CPU-bound workloads, but this should not be the issue for IO-bound workloads.

In the cloud the cost of resources is a major consideration. Let’s review the annual cost for the processing and storage …

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InnoDB physical files on MySQL 8.0

Introduction –

              MySQL 8.0.10 GPL came out with more changes and advanced features. We have changes on InnoDB physical file layout ( MySQL data directory ) too. This blog will provide the information about the MySQL 8 InnoDB physical files.

MySQL system tables are completely InnoDB now ?

              Yes, Previously, we don’t have too many InnoDB tables on MySQL system tables. We have the innodb_index_stats, innodb_table_stats, slave_master_info, slave_relay_log_info and slave_worker_info in MySQL 5.7 as InnoDB tables. But, now all the MySQL System  tables were converted to InnoDB from MySQL 8.0 . It helps in the transactional DDL’s .

Below are the list of InnoDB physical files on MySQL 8.0 .

  • ibdata1
  • .ibd …
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Descending index in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 has come with a list of new features for DBA’s ,we will discuss the new feature in MySQL 8.0 which supports Descending index.Prior to MySQL 8.0 (i.e MySQL 5.6 and 5.7) creating desc index syntax was supported but desc keyword was ignored, Now in MySQL 8.0 release descending index is extended are supported.

What is index?

  • Indexes play an important role in performance optimization  and they are used frequently to speed up access to particular data and reduce disk I/O operations .
  • To understand index easily you can imagine a book,every book has an index with content referring to a page number.If you want to search something in a book you first refer to the index and get the page number and then get the information in the page,like this the indexes in MySQL will tell you the row with matching data.

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Data Integrity and Performance Considerations in MySQL Semisynchronous Replication

MySQL semisynchronous replication provides improved data integrity because when a commit returns successfully, it’s known that the data exists in at least two places – the master and its slave. In this blog post, we review some of the MySQL hosting configurations that influence the data integrity and performance aspects of semisynchronous replication. We’ll be using InnoDB storage engine and GTID-based replication in a 3-node replica set (master and 2 slaves), which will ensure there is redundancy in the slaves. This means that if there are issues with one slave, we can fall back on the other.

Configurations Applicable to Both Master and Slave Nodes

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MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound TPCC

This post is mainly inspired by findings from the previous testing of MySQL 8.0 on TPCC workload(s) and observations from IO-bound Sysbench OLTP on Optane -vs- SSD. But also by several "urban myths" I'm often hearing when discussing with users about their IO-bound OLTP performance problems :
Myth #1 : "if I'll double the number of my storage drives -- I'll get x2 times better TPS !"

  • this was mostly true during "HDD era", and again..
  • (ex.: a single thread app doing single random IO reads from a single HDD will not go faster by doing the same from 2x HDD -- similar like single thread workload will not run faster on 8CPU cores -vs- 2CPU cores, etc.)
  • all depends …
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MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound Sysbench OLTP with Optane -vs- SSD

MySQL Performance on IO-bound workloads is still extremely depending on the underlaying storage layer (thus is directly depending on your Storage Performance).. Indeed, flash storage is definitively changing the game, but even with flash there is, as usual, "flash and flash" -- all storage vendors are improving their stuff constantly, so every time you have something new to discover and to learn ;-)) During all my MySQL 8.0 GA tests I was very pleasantly surprised by IO performance delivered by Intel Optane SSD. However, what the storage device can deliver alone on pure IO tests is not at all the same to what you could observe when it's used by MySQL -- unfortunately, in the past I've observed many cases when with a device claimed to be x2 times faster we were even not observing 10% gain.. But MySQL 8.0 is probably the most best placed MySQL version today to re-visit all this IO-bound story (there are many "under-hood" changes in the code helping to …

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Webinar Tues 19/6: MySQL: Scaling and High Availability – Production Experience from the Last Decade(s)

Please join Percona’s CEO, Peter Zaitsev as he presents MySQL: Scaling and High Availability – Production Experience Over the Last Decade(s) on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 at 7:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).

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Percona is known as the MySQL performance experts. With over 4,000 customers, we’ve studied, mastered and executed many different ways of scaling applications. Percona can help ensure your application is highly available. Come learn from our playbook, and leave this …

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