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Displaying posts with tag: cloud performance (reset)
Scaling IO-Bound Workloads for MySQL in the Cloud – part 2

This post is a followup to my previous article

In this instance, I want to show the data in different dimensions, primarily to answer questions around how throughput scales with increasing IOPS.

A recap: for the test I use Amazon instances and Amazon gp2 and io1 volumes. In addition to the original post, I also tested two gpl2 volumes combined in software RAID0. I did this for the following reason: Amazon cap the single gp2 volume throughput to 160MB/sec, and as we will see from the charts, this limits InnoDB performance.

Also, a reminder from the previous post: we can increase gp2 IOPS by increasing volume size (to the top limit 10000 IOPS), and for io1 we can increase IOPS by paying per additional IOPS.

Scaling with InnoDB …

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Saving With MyRocks in The Cloud

The main focus of a previous blog post was the performance of MyRocks when using fast SSD devices. However, I figured that MyRocks would be beneficial for use in cloud workloads, where storage is either slow or expensive.

In that earlier post, we demonstrated the benefits of MyRocks, especially for heavy IO workloads. Meanwhile, Mark wrote in his blog that the CPU overhead in MyRocks might be significant for CPU-bound workloads, but this should not be the issue for IO-bound workloads.

In the cloud the cost of resources is a major consideration. Let’s review the annual cost for the processing and storage …

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Increasing Cloud Database Efficiency – Like Crows in a Closet

In Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems, we explored the paradox that “Big Data” projects pose to organizations and how Tokutek is taking an innovative approach to solving those problems. In this post, we’re going to talk about another hot topic in IT, “The Cloud,” and how enterprises undertaking Cloud efforts often struggle with idea of “problem trading.” Also, for some reason, databases are just given a pass as traditionally “noisy neighbors” and that there is nothing that can be done about it. Lets take a look at why we disagree.

With the birth of the information age came a coupling of business and IT. Increasingly strategic business projects and objectives were reliant on information infrastructure to provide information storage and retrieval instead of paper and filing cabinets. This was the dawn of the database and what gave rise to companies like Oracle, Sybase and MySQL. With the appearance of true Enterprise Grade …

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