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Displaying posts with tag: pxc (reset)
Playing with Percona XtraDB Cluster in Docker

Like any good, thus lazy, engineer I don’t like to start things manually. Creating directories, configuration files, specify paths, ports via command line is too boring. I wrote already how I survive in case when I need to start MySQL server (here). There is also the MySQL Sandbox which can be used for the same purpose.

But what to do if you want to start Percona XtraDB Cluster this way? Fortunately we, at Percona, have engineers who created automation solution for starting PXC. This solution uses Docker. To explore it you need:

  1. Clone the pxc-docker repository:
    git clone
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Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC): How many nodes do you need?

A question I often hear when customers want to set up a production PXC cluster is: “How many nodes should we use?”

Three nodes is the most common deployment, but when are more nodes needed? They also ask: “Do we always need to use an even number of nodes?”

This is what we’ll clarify in this post.

This is all about quorum

I explained in a previous post that a quorum vote is held each time one node becomes unreachable. With this vote, the remaining nodes will estimate whether it is safe to keep on serving queries. If quorum is not reached, all remaining nodes will set themselves in a state where they cannot process any query (even reads).

To get the right size for you cluster, the only question you should answer is: how many nodes can simultaneously fail while leaving the …

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Q&A: High availability when using MySQL in the cloud

Last week I hosted a webinar on using MySQL in the cloud for High Availability (HA) alongside 451 Research analyst Jason Stamper. You can watch the recording and also download the slides (free) here. Just click the “Register” button at the end of that page.

We had several excellent questions and we didn’t have time to get to several of them in the allotted time. I’m posting them here along with the answers. Feel free to ask follow-up questions in the comments below.

Q: Can the TokuDB engine be used in a PXC environment?

A: No, TokuDB cannot currently be used in a PXC environment, the only supported engine in …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster: Quorum and Availability of the cluster

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) has become a popular option to provide high availability for MySQL servers. However many people are still having a hard time understanding what will happen to the cluster when one or several nodes leave the cluster (gracefully or ungracefully). This is what we will clarify in this post.

Nodes leaving gracefully

Let’s assume we have a 3-node cluster and all nodes have an equal weight, which is the default.

What happens if Node1 is gracefully stopped (service mysql stop)? When shutting down, Node1 will instruct the other nodes that it is leaving the cluster. We now have a 2-node cluster and the remaining members have 2/2 = 100% of the votes. The cluster keeps running normally.

What happens now if Node2 is gracefully stopped? Same thing, Node3 knows that Node2 is no longer part of the …

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Optimizing Percona XtraDB Cluster for write hotspots

Some applications have a heavy write workload on a few records – for instance when incrementing a global counter: this is called a write hotspot. Because you cannot update the same row simultaneously from multiple threads, this can lead to performance degradation. When using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC), some users try to solve this specific issue by writing on multiple nodes at the same time. Good idea or bad idea? Read on!

Simultaneous writes on a standalone InnoDB server

Say you have these 3 transactions being run simultaneously (id is the primary key of the table):

# T1
UPDATE t SET ... WHERE id = 100
# T2
UPDATE t SET ... WHERE id = 100
# T3
UPDATE t SET ... WHERE id = 101

All transactions will require a row lock on the record they want to modify. So T3 can commit at the same time than T1 and/or T2, because it will …

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Feedback directed optimization with GCC and Perf

Gcc 5.0 has added support for FDO which uses perf to generate profile. There is documentation for this in gcc manual, to quote:

Enable sampling-based feedback-directed optimizations, and the following optimizations which are generally profitable only with profile feedback available: -fbranch-probabilities, -fvpt, -funroll-loops, -fpeel-loops, -ftracer, -ftree-vectorize,
-finline-functions, -fipa-cp, -fipa-cp-clone, -fpredictive-commoning, -funswitch-loops, -fgcse-after-reload, and -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns.
path is the name of a file containing AutoFDO profile information. If omitted, it defaults to fbdata.afdo in the current directory.
Producing an AutoFDO …

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Improving Percona XtraDB Cluster SST startup with Google Compute Engine snapshots

As the need for information grows so does the size of data we need to keep in our databases. SST is unavoidable for spinning up new nodes in a PXC cluster and when datasets reach the “terra-byte” range this becomes ever more cumbersome requiring many hours for a new node to synchronize.

More often that not, it is necessary to implement custom “wsrep_sst” scripts or resort to manual synchronization processes. Luckily cloud providers provide convenient methods to leverage disk snapshots that can be used to quickly transfer data between nodes.

This article deals with the actions needed to perform a snapshot on Google’s Compute Engine (GCE) infrastructure. A similar method can be used on AWS EC2 instances using EBS snapshots or any other form of snapshots such as LVM, ZFS or SAN. The steps described can be …

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How to setup a PXC cluster with GTIDs (and have async slaves replicating from it!)

This past week was marked by a series of personal findings related to the use of Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs) on Galera-based clusters such as Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). The main one being the fact that transactions touching MyISAM tables (and FLUSH PRIVILEGES!) issued on a giving node of the cluster are recorded on a GTID set bearing the node’s server_uuid as “source id” and added to the binary log (if the node has binlog enabled), thus being replicated to any async replicas connected to it. However, they won’t be replicated across the cluster (that is, all of this is by design, if wsrep_replicate_myisam is …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6: a tale of 2 GTIDs

Say you have a cluster with 3 nodes using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 5.6 and one asynchronous replica connected to node1. If asynchronous replication is using GTIDs, moving the replica so that it is connected to node2 is trivial, right? Actually replication can easily break for reasons that may not be obvious at first sight.


Let’s assume we have the following setup with 3 PXC nodes and one asynchronous replica:

Regarding MySQL GTIDs, a Galera cluster behaves like a distributed master: transactions coming from any node will use the same auto-generated uuid. This auto-generated uuid is related to the Galera uuid, it’s neither ABC, nor DEF, nor GHI.

Transactions executed for …

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How to Bootstrap MySQL/MariaDB Galera Cluster

January 27, 2015 By Severalnines

Unlike standard MySQL server and MySQL Cluster, the way to start a MySQL/MariaDB Galera Cluster is a bit different. Galera requires you to start a node in a cluster as a reference point, before the remaining nodes are able to join and form the cluster. This process is known as cluster bootstrap. Bootstrapping is an initial step to introduce a database node as primary component, before others see it as a reference point to sync up data.


How does it work?


When Galera starts with the bootstrap command on a node, that particular node will reach Primary state (check the value of wsrep_cluster_status). The remaining nodes will just require a normal start command and they will automatically look for existing Primary Component (PC) in the cluster and join to form a cluster. Data synchronization then happens through either incremental state transfer (IST) or …

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