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Displaying posts with tag: Sveta Smirnova (reset)
Webinar Thursday, February 23, 2017: Troubleshooting MySQL Access Privileges Issues

Please join Sveta Smirnova, Percona’s Principal Technical Services Engineer, as she presents Troubleshooting MySQL Access Privileges Issues on
February 23, 2017 at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST (UTC-8).

Do you have registered users who can’t connect to the MySQL server? Strangers modifying data to which they shouldn’t have access?

MySQL supports a rich set of user privilege options and allows you to fine tune access to every object in the server. The latest versions support authentication plugins that help to create more access patterns.

However, finding errors in …

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MySQL is crashing: a support engineer’s point of view

In MySQL QA Episode #12, “MySQL is Crashing, now what?,” Roel demonstrated how to collect crash-related information that will help Percona discover what the issue is that you are experiencing, and fix it.

As a Support Engineer I (Sveta) am very happy to see this post – but as a person who better understands writing than recording – I’d like to have same information, in textual form. We discussed it, and decided to do a joint blog post. Hence, this post

If you haven’t seen the video yet, or you do not have any experience with gdb, core files and crashes, I highly recommend to watch it first.

Once you have an idea of why crashes happen, what to do after it happens in your environment, and how to open a  …

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Why base64-output=DECODE-ROWS does not print row events in MySQL binary logs

Lately I saw many cases when users specified option


  to print out a statement representation of row events in MySQL binary logs just to get nothing. Reason for this is obvious: option


  does not convert row events into its string representation, this is job of option


. But why users mix these two options so often? This blog post is result of my investigations.

There are already two great blog posts about printing row events on the Percona blog: “Debugging problems with row based replication” by Justin Swanhart and “ …

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Playing with Percona XtraDB Cluster in Docker

Like any good, thus lazy, engineer I don’t like to start things manually. Creating directories, configuration files, specify paths, ports via command line is too boring. I wrote already how I survive in case when I need to start MySQL server (here). There is also the MySQL Sandbox which can be used for the same purpose.

But what to do if you want to start Percona XtraDB Cluster this way? Fortunately we, at Percona, have engineers who created automation solution for starting PXC. This solution uses Docker. To explore it you need:

  1. Clone the pxc-docker repository:
    git clone
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Optimizer hints in MySQL 5.7.7 – The missed manual

In version MySQL 5.7.7 Oracle presented a new promising feature: optimizer hints. However it did not publish any documentation about the hints. The only note which I found in the user manual about the hints is:

  • It is now possible to provide hints to the optimizer by including /*+ ... */ comments following the SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, …
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‘Indexing’ JSON documents for efficient MySQL queries over JSON data

MySQL meets NoSQL with JSON UDF

I recently got back from FOSDEM, in Brussels, Belgium. While I was there I got to see a great talk by Sveta Smirnova, about her MySQL 5.7 Labs release JSON UDF functions. It is important to note that while the UDF come in a 5.7 release it is absolutely possible to compile and use the UDF with earlier versions of MySQL because the UDF interface has not changed for a long time. However, the UDF should still be considered alpha/preview level of quality and should not be used in production yet! For this example I am using Percona Server 5.6 with the UDF.

That being said, the proof-of-concept that I’m about to present here uses only one JSON function (JSON_EXTRACT) and it has worked well enough in my testing to present my idea here. The JSON functions will probably be GA sometime soon anyway, and this is a useful test of the JSON_EXTRACT function. …

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