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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
A Simple MySQL Plugin to Retrieve System Metrics

Ever wanted to extend MySQL and add some feature you think it is missing?  With MySQL plugins, you can do exactly that.  One thing that has bothered me for several years is that you cannot easily retrieve system metrics from within MySQL.  Whether I am connecting via a remote connection or looking to add features to monitoring without the need for another interface with the server, I have wanted to retrieve system metrics without leaving the MySQL interface.

So, I started a Proof of Concept for this.  My goal was to get metrics such as RAM (total, used, free), system load, CPU utilization, disk utilization for the file system containing the datadir, and more.  My objective was to do this as efficiently within MySQL as possible.  For this, I chose to utilize standard C libraries in as few lines of code as possible without having to scrape system files or run commands to get the data.  The …

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The WARP storage engine beta: columnar storage for MySQL 8 with automatic bitmap indexing

Oracle MySQL is in need of a columnar storage engine for analytics workloads.  A columnar engine (or column store) stores data vertically, that is, it stores all the data associated with a column together, instead of the traditional RDBMS storage method of storing entire rows together, either in a index organized manner, like InnoDB, or in a heap, like MyISAM.  

Columnar storage has the benefit of reducing IO when only a subset of the row is accessed in a query, because only the data for the accessed rows must be read from disk (or cache) instead of having to read entire rows.  Most columnar stores do not support indexes, but WARP does.

WARP is open source

You can find the WARP source code release on GitHub.  Binaries can be provided upon request.  Simply open an issue for your desired Linux distribution, and I will make them available as soon as I can.

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Webinar July 9 – Modern Solutions for Modern Database Load: MySQL 8.0 and Percona

Join Sveta Smirnova, MySQL Engineer at Percona, as she discusses modern solutions for modern database loads.

MySQL is famous for working well in high performing environments. This is the reason why it is the most popular backend for web applications. But our view of what to call high-performance changes over the cycles. Every year we get faster data transfer speed; more devices, connected to the Internet; more users and, as a result, more data.

The challenges MySQL developers have to solve are getting harder over time.

In this session, Sveta will show how use-case scenarios are changing over 25 years of MySQL history. She will show what did MySQL engineers do to keep the product up to date and cover topics such as handling a large number of active connections and high volumes of data as well as how the latest MySQL versions handle increased load better.

After attending this …

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Webinar July 30: Database Challenges – Open Source Vs. Open Core

Join Peter Zaitsev, CEO at Percona, as he discusses database challenges and the concepts of open source and open core. Over the years, open source companies have tried to bring products to market and maximize their revenue streams.  To date, the most popular open source business model remains “Open Core”.  But is open core software still open source?  Or is it a freemium model designed to separate you from your money?  Not all companies follow the same processes, ethics, and rules when building and launching open source products.  Let’s talk about how the open core bait and switch works for many companies in the open source space.

Join this webinar to learn more about:

– Open Source and Open core distinction
– Free enterprise-class community versions alternatives
– Use-cases that successfully moved away from vendor lock-in

Please join Peter …

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MySQL Training and Education Is Here for You!

Percona Training Is Here for You!

Percona’s Training and Education Department wants you! For the past three years, Percona has quietly been delivering world-class training all over the globe, to companies large and small. We are in full force and ready to spread our knowledge directly to your organization to make your staff the absolute best they can become.

As you probably know, Percona has been one of the top leaders in the open source database space for over ten years. Our experts are exactly that: experts. Our MySQL and open source database training programs leverage the cumulative knowledge and best practices gained from our years of experience working on real-world issues and solving problems for our customers. When you enroll in our courses, we transfer our knowledge and experience to you and your team.

Why Should My Company Invest in Training?

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Webinar 5/11: Percona & PlanetScale Present: Introduction to Vitess on Kubernetes for MySQL

During this joint webinar our speakers, Alkin Tezuysal, Technical Expert at Percona and Sugu Sougoumarane, Co-Founder and CTO at PlanetScale, will provide attendees with hands-on experience using Vitess using Kubernetes. They will start by providing a quick overview of Vitess – including key concepts and terminology, and then describe the deployment options for both in Kubernetes.

The hands-on exercises will cover many of the key workflows with running a sharded system:

– Moving from an unsharded system to a vertical split one (moving some tables to a different host)
– Sharding large tables across several instances
– Backups, Recoveries, and failovers (both planned and unplanned).

Attendees are not expected to have any prior experience with Vitess but will find it useful if they have prior experience completing these tasks in a MySQL environment and general know-how …

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Using MySQL Workbench to Connect Through ProxySQL 2

So, I admit the title for this post is a bit ambiguous. Not only is it the second post I’ve written in a short period of time, but it’s also focused on ProxySQL 2.0. As promised in the previous post, I’ve upgraded my testing environment to ProxySQL 2.0 and was interested to see if there are any differences in behaviour from the previous version. As it turns out, there are.

In the comments section of the previous post, you’ll find a comment by ProxySQL Founder and CEO, René Cannaò:

Indeed ProxySQL doesn’t support caching_sha2_password authentication plugin, but since ProxySQL 2.0.3 (March 2019) a client connection using caching_sha2_password will be automatically switched to mysql_native_password.

With regards to “OPT_CHARSET_NAME=utf8”, the problem is that your backend it is not MySQL 8.0 …

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Still have binlog_error_action as IGNORE_ERROR?

Recently, we were affected by an ignored configuration option introduced in MySQL 5.6. This incident caused us to perform extended planning of downtime and the rebuilding of the slave. In this post, we’ll discuss our encounter with binlog_error_action and likely bad default.

The incident started with an alert from our monitoring platform that a check failed to verify a MySQL master’s binary log coordinates. My colleague working from the other side of the globe observed the following:

mysql> show master status;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show binary logs;
ERROR 1381 (HY000): You are not using binary logging

Interestingly, the MySQL slave was still reporting that everything was okay!

mysql> show slave status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_Host: master
                  Master_User: …
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Daylight Saving Time and System Time Zone in MySQL

March is not only the month when a pandemic closed all borders and people had to stay home on the quarantine; it’s also the month when daylight saving time change happens. For some regions, this is not only a time change but also a switch to a different timezone. For example, New York uses EST during winter and EDT during summer. If you use the system timezone and do not restart the MySQL server or a PXC node after the switch, you may notice that the change was not implemented.

You may end up with a situation where some of your cluster nodes still use the time zone before the switch (e.g. EST) and others use the timezone after the change (e.g. EDT).

$ date
Sun Mar  8 03:03:28 EDT 2020

$ ./bin/mysql  -h127.0.0.1 -P3373 -uroot test
EDT node> show variables like '%zone%'; …
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Orchestrator fails to start after reboot using SystemD

While testing in an orchestrator lab I saw that none of my Orchestrator on-raft nodes were coming online after a reboot.

This is the status report from SystemD.

$ sudo systemctl status orchestrator
* orchestrator.service - orchestrator: MySQL replication management and visualization
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/orchestrator.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2020-04-03 09:30:05 UTC; 30s ago
 Main PID: 957 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 03 09:30:05 orchestrator-1 systemd[1]: Started orchestrator: MySQL replication management and visualization.
Apr 03 09:30:05 orchestrator-1 orchestrator[957]: 2020-04-03 09:30:05 ERROR dial tcp connect: connection refused
Apr 03 09:30:05 orchestrator-1 orchestrator[957]: 2020-04-03 09:30:05 FATAL dial tcp connect: connection refused
Apr 03 09:30:05 orchestrator-1 systemd[1]: …
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Showing entries 61 to 70 of 1327
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