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Displaying posts with tag: sandbox (reset)
MySQL Sandbox approaching version 3

MySQL Sandbox is approaching another milestone. Preparing for version 3.0, which will include some new features, version 2.0.98 (based on 2.0.18) can be installed like any other Perl module, and the scripts become available in the PATH.
It means a few seconds more to install the scripts, but a faster and easier usage.

This latest change also means that MySQL Sandbox will be available through the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, for the uninitiated).
The next step will be to include this package in Linux distros (Ubuntu, …

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My favorite tutorial at the UC2009 : Build and release management

I am looking forward to the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009. Since I am a tutorial speaker, my choice of tutorials to attend is limited. Upon completion of my duties, I will attend Greg Haase's tutorial on Build and Release Management for Database Engineers.
There are many reasons for that. For starting, Greg is the winner of the MySQl 5.1 Use Case competition where he has shown his DBA skills, and then, he is using the MySQL Sandbox among the …
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Easy server testing with MySQL Sandbox

MySQL Sandbox 2.0.18 introduces a new feature, changing port. You can now change the listening port for a sandboxed server, either as a standalone operation, or while moving it, using the sbtool.
There is a feature in the Sandbox, introduced in 2.0.13, that makes really easy to test servers in special conditions. If you need to start or restart a server using an option that you know you will need only for the next test, you can add the option to the command line invocation of the start or restart scripts.
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MySQL Sandbox and Summer of Code 2009

As you may have seen, MySQL Sandbox is improving, but there are still many features to be implemented.
If you know Perl - or you want to convert the Sandbox into another portable language - and you want to help with the new development, you may consider getting into Google Summer of Code under MySQL mentorship. To apply, you must be a student, and accept the program terms.
sbtool - a new advanced entry in the MySQL Sandbox toolkit

MySQL Sandbox 2.0.17 introduces a new item in the toolkit. sbtool is a multi-purpose tool for advanced tasks with MySQL sandboxes.
Most notables: assigned and used port detection, port range detection, replication tree, copying and moving sandboxes.


./sbtool --help
usage: ./sbtool [options]
-o --operation (s) <> - what task to perform
'info' returns configuration options from a Sandbox
'copy' copies data from one Sandbox to another
'ports' lists ports used by the Sandbox
'tree' creates a replication tree
'move' moves a Sandbox to a different …
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MySQL Sandbox 2.0.13 with improved features

MySQL Sandbox 2.0.13 was just released, with two main improvements.
  • Now the sandbox looks for gtar before looking for tar. If it is installed, it uses it. This allows the Sandbox successfully expanding and installing from a tarball on Solaris, where the native tar tool has always been source of problems for MySQL.
  • The start and restart scripts now accept a parameter. Anything passed to them from the command line will be added to mysqld_safe invocation. This allows quick tests with unusual parameters, without need of changing the configuration file.

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New MySQL Sandbox tutorial

John Goulah wrote a nice quick tutorial to MySQL Sandbox.
Thanks, John!

Circular Replication Implementation / Testing using MySQL Sandbox

This is a simple mysql circular replication implementation on a single machine (just a proof of concept) which can easily be done on a broader scale. Just be aware of the cons of circular replication which mainly gets down to: once a node freaks out or stops for one reason or the other, it’s a bitch and you need to take care of IMMEDIATELY.

Download Sandbox from
Download MySQL from

Copy the downloaded software onto the your *nix box onto any folder of your preference called $BASEDIR



gunzip mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX.tar.gz
tar -xf mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX.tar

ln -s mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX sandbox

time /$BASEDIR/sandbox/make_replication_sandbox –circular=4 –topology=circular /$BASEDIR/mysql-5.1.30-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz

user@hostname $ time …

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New ideas about MySQL Sandbox at the Boston meetup

Presenting a topic to a new audience is a two ways learning experience. The attendees learn what the presenter came prepared to say, and in presence of an attentive audience, the presenter can learn something on the spot.
During today's Boston MySQL meetup, I got two interesting ideas aboou how to improve MySQL Sandbox.

  • Using the Sandbox as a test for the future production environment is useful. But it would be even more useful if there were a simple way of transferring the contents of a well tested Sandbox to the main server, or transferring the setup of a successfully tuned replication scheme to several production servers. Currently, …
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MySQL University on MySQL Sandbox

Today, Giuseppe Maxia gave a presentation on MySQL Sandbox. This was our second MySQL University session using the new conferencing system, Dimdim.

Most attendees arrived in time, but like with any real-life university, some arrived late, and some left during the session. We had an average of 16-17 attendees, and a peak of 19.

Giuseppe presented using a slide set, rather than using the desktop sharing facility that Dimdim offers. Clicking through slides feels real-time, while desktop sharing requires some time for changes to arrive on the receiving end (as we've experienced with the previous session). Also, clicking through slides requires virtually no bandwidth (after the slide set has been uploaded to Dimdim). Giuseppe's voice came over loud and clear. A few attendees reported …

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