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Displaying posts with tag: OpenStack (reset)
Speaker Details For MySQL & Cloud Database Solutions Day, hosted by SkySQL & MariaDB, in Santa Clara

Check out who’s talking, and about what, at our annual event on all things MySQL, MariaDB and Cloud - straight after Percona Live!

As we mentioned earlier this week, we’re gearing up for Percona Live: MySQL Conference and Expo in a few weeks.

But of course, we’re getting particularly excited as we prep for the 2nd annual SkySQL and MariaDB MySQL & Cloud Database Solutions Day, which takes place on the day (Friday, April 26) right after Percona Live: MySQL Conference and Expo.

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On big technical meetings, or why the end of the UDS is a bad idea

Canonical has just announced that the Ubuntu Developer Summit will no longer be face to face and every six months. Instead it will be entirely online and virtual, using Google Hangouts. (Here is the announcement.)

On the surface, this seems like a good idea: It's cheaper monetarily, it appears to open things up to people who are unable to travel, and it makes it easier to make complete records.

However, I think it's a bad idea, for several interrelated reasons.

Some decision making needs face-time to happen. For whatever reasons, internet-only communication is not enough for a good enough "meeting of the minds" for sticky or subtle engineering and design decisionmaking.

The IETF, who probably have the longest history of any organization ever of online internet-enabled …

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Impressions of FOSDEM 13

FOSDEM 13 is now over, I am on my way home and I would like to share some thoughts sparkled by the intense atmosphere that I have lived in these two days in Brussels. I have to admit, I was tempted to skip FOSDEM this year: the last 3 weeks have been crazily busy and I travelled a lot, leaving my family alone for too long. But now I am glad I made the effort.  

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The Data Day, Two days: January 25/28 2013

Informatica’s revenue is in. Hortonworks joins OpenStack. And more.

For 451 clients: Jitterbit gives integration stack makeover, continues to mine By Krishna Roy

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) January 28, 2013

For 451 clients: Enterprise cloud provider Skytap offers new service based on Cloudera Hadoop By @rachelchalmers

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) January 25, 2013

For 451 clients: Alteryx plots course for 2013 as it seeks to bring business users into the analytic mix …

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One year in!

We've been fully operational for one year today. Time to take a quick breath and look back at a year that was among the most exciting in our lives, and time to look ahead to the next 12 months. In which things are likely to get even better.

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One year in!

We've been fully operational for one year today. Time to take a quick breath and look back at a year that was among the most exciting in our lives, and time to look ahead to the next 12 months. In which things are likely to get even better.



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My journey so far

July marks my sixth month working on the OpenStack project for HP. Over the past few years I have had people ask me about my journey to where I am now, especially students working on the Drizzle project. So I decided to write it today.

Back in 2007 I worked as a freelancer developing PHP code, doing DBA work and administering Linux systems. One of my biggest clients was an online magazine called The First Post, I was doing so much work for them they hired me as a full time employee under the title Technical Architect. We made great strides whilst working there and I even got the site running from a MySQL Cluster installation.

Towards the end of 2007 the magazine was in financial difficulty and there was a real risk of everyone losing their jobs over Christmas. As luck would have it one of our biggest fans was a guy called Felix Dennis who owns a magazine empire called Dennis Publishing. They bought our magazine business and my …

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OpenStack's Jenkins Job Filler

OpenStack comprises of many projects, all of which have code reviews via. Gerrit and every code review is tested with many tests on Jenkins.  Whilst this is excellent for code quality this can get quite insane to manage.  In fact at time of writing OpenStack's Jenkins server now has a shade under 300 jobs to manage, I don't know about you but I really don't want to be spending my days managing all of that.  Often we need to make a small change to many jobs at the same time and human error occurs.  In the last few weeks we developed and unveiled the CI team's solution to this: Jenkins Job Filler (aka. Jenkins Job Builder when I forget what we called it).

The initial version of Jenkins Job Filler was written in a combination of Ruby and Puppet scripts but unfortunately it became unmanageable very quickly, it also required a Jenkins restart on every change.  So the new version has been writing in Python and YAML. …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2012.04.20

Topics for this podcast:

*OpenStack, Amazon, Eucalyptus and Citrix engage in open cloud warfare
*Microsoft spins off new company for openness
*Updates on automation players Puppet Labs and Opscode with Chef
*Percona turns attention to MySQL high availability
*Open APIs as the fifth pillar of modern IT openness

iTunes or direct download (28:42, 4.9MB)

New Gerrit and Jenkins styles are live

After a bit of tweaking and improvements following feedback from various people the new changes to Jenkins and Gerrit are now live. The changes will also be rolled out onto Stackforge in the next 24 hours.

I've had a lot of great feedback in the few hours the changes have been live, many love it and some have suggestions for improvements. This is great, we know the look could use a bit of refining here and there. What makes this truly awesome is that the styles are kept in an OpenStack project with which anyone can file bugs or send patches up to Gerrit.

To modify the styles simply grab the openstack-ci-puppet repo and look in the Gerrit and Jenkins modules for the files. If you wish to file a bug, please do so in the …

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