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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
Apsersa’s summary tool supports Adaptec and MegaRAID controllers

I spent a little time yesterday doing some things with the “summary” tool from Aspersa. I added support for summarizing status and configuration of Adaptec and LSI MegaRAID controllers. I also figured out how to write a test suite for Bash scripts, so most major parts of the tool are fully tested now. I learned a lot more sed and awk this weekend.

There is really only one way to get status of Adaptec controllers (/usr/StorMan/arcconf), but the LSI controllers can be queried through multiple tools. I added support for MegaCli64, as long as it’s located in the usual place at /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64. I am looking for feedback and/or help on supporting other methods of getting status from the LSI controllers, such as megarc and omreport. If you can contribute sample output from these tools, please attach them as a file to a new issue report on the project’s issue …

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How to read Linux’s /proc/diskstats easily

These days I spend more time looking at /proc/diskstats than I do at iostat. The problem with iostat is that it lumps reads and writes together, and I want to see them separately. That’s really important on a database server (e.g. MySQL performance analysis).

It’s not easy to read /proc/diskstats by looking at them, though. So I usually do the following to get a nice readable table:

  • Grep out the device I want to examine.
  • Push that through “rel” from the Aspersa project.
  • Add column headers, then format it with “align” from the same project.

Here’s a recipe. You might want to refer to the kernel iostat documentation too.

chmod +x rel align
while sleep 1; do grep sdb1 …
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I want simple things to be easy

I like to write tools that make hard things easy, when possible. By and large, MySQL is easy and simple. But some simple things are too hard with MySQL. I want to change that, at least for the things that matter the most to me, and which I think I know how to fix.

I will probably write a lot about this. I have already written a number of rants blog posts about the lack of instrumentation in MySQL, and that is where I’ll probably continue to put most of my energy.

To begin with, imagine this simple scenario. You are a remote DBA. Your client says “New Relic is showing periods of slow response time from the database.” You connect to MySQL at the command line and try to troubleshoot. How do you catch the problem in action, from within the database itself? The following are no good:

  • It doesn’t count to see the problem two minutes later by observing the application tier, as New Relic does. That’s too late, and …
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Tis a gift to be simple

I was just reading up on the syntax for index hints in MySQL, and noticed this:

An index_name value need not be a full index name. It can be an unambiguous prefix of an index name. If a prefix is ambiguous, an error occurs.

I actually prefer not to have extra “syntactic sugar” features such as this. It helps avoid bugs and unexpected behavior. Even if I don’t use it intentionally, I can get bitten by it, if someone adds another index whose name has the same prefix as one that I already use:

mysql> create table t(a int primary key);
mysql> select * from t force index(PRIMAR);
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> alter table t add key PRIMARY_2(a);

mysql> select * from t force index(PRIMAR);
ERROR 1176 (HY000): Key 'PRIMAR' doesn't exist in table 't'

I actually considered adding support for prefixes of …

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Optimal performance out of the box!

Most database companies would be proud to say that their products perform optimally out of the box. It means they accomplished a Herculean feat of engineering. But most databases have configuration options because this is almost impossible. For example, MySQL has scores of tuning options, and it needs a lot more.

So when someone benchmarks your database and makes you look bad, usually you can say “that benchmark was run by someone who doesn’t know how to properly tune my database software.”

But what if the benchmarker claims that your database didn’t need to be tuned, (via Dave Page), because it’s optimal out of the box? Do you accept the benchmark results, or reject the compliment?

Related posts:

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New Maatkit tool to compute index usage

In a couple of recent consulting cases, I needed a tool to analyze how a log of queries accesses indexes and tables in the database, specifically, to find out which indexes are not used. I initially hacked together something similar to Daniel Nichter’s mysqlidxchk, but using the framework provided by Maatkit, which gave me a pretty good start right out of the box. This was useful in the very tight time constraints I was under, but was not a complete solution. Alas, I could not use anything like Percona’s enhancements for finding unused indexes.

So, in response to another consultant’s customer request (and sponsorship — thank you!) I spent more time actually writing a real tool in the Maatkit style, with full tests and all the rest of the usual goodies. The resulting …

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The manager-programmer face-off over NoSQL

A lot of conversations with a few different people I respect (no links, sorry) have coalesced some thoughts about these newly popular “non-relational” datastores. I wanted to point out an aspect I’m not sure is very clear in the hot-topic department. This is about what happens when managers learn that their developers or operations team have installed some new technology in their systems without them knowing it.

Lest anyone think that this happens only in a poorly-managed company, I can attest that it happens everywhere, all the time. Remember Marten Mickos’s favorite story about salespeople asking prospects if they used MySQL, the managers saying absolutely not, and the developers contradicting them?

The moment of discovery is unpleasant for the manager, but everything leading up to it was a joy for the programmer. He decided that he’s annoyed with the MySQL database. SQL is hard anyway — it is such a pain to write …

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How to tune MySQL’s sort_buffer_size

I perpetually see something like the following:

My server load is high and my queries are slow and my server crashes. Can you help me tune my server? Here is some information.

[random sample of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS, like the query cache counters]


query_cache_size= 64M
max_connections = 256
key_buffer = 8M
sort_buffer_size = 100M
read_buffer_size = 8M
delay_key_write = ALL

There are many problems in this my.cnf file, but the sort_buffer_size is a glaring one that identifies the user as someone who should not be playing with live ammunition. Therefore, I have developed an advanced process for tuning sort_buffer_size, which you can follow to get amazing performance improvements. It’s magical.

  1. How expert are you?
    • I know that there is a sort buffer, and that it is related to sort_merge_passes. When …
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Using Aspersa to capture diagnostic data

I frequently encounter MySQL servers with intermittent problems that don’t happen when I’m watching the server. Gathering good diagnostic data when the problem happens is a must. Aspersa includes two utilities to make this easier.

The first is called ’stalk’. It would be called ‘watch’ but that’s already a name of a standard Unix utility. It simply watches for a condition to happen and fires off the second utility.

This second utility does most of the work. It is called ‘collect’ and by default, it gathers stats on a number of things for 30 seconds. It names these statistics according to the time it was started, and places them into a directory for analysis.

Here’s a sample of how to use the tools. In summary: get them and make them executable, then configure them; then start a screen session and run the ’stalk’ utility as root. Go do …

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Wishing I could be at ODTUG

Ronald asked me if I could present at ODTUG’s Kaleidoscope conference, which is only a couple hours from me, but I’ll be at the Netways OSDC that week. Matt Yonkovit will be there representing Percona. I wish I could go: I would really like to mingle with more Oracle users and developers, and I think that participation is the key to building relationships between MySQL and Oracle users — two groups of people who are going to be overlapping more in the future. If you can attend, I hope you will — and blog about it so I can read.

Related posts:

  1. OpenSQL Camp events in 2009 There are
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