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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
What a year!

Sun's acquisition and integration of MySQL was one of the biggest stories of the year. But what's next? READ MORE

Settling in for a Winter's Blogfest

This is the 1st post in my MoFo Futures 2009 blog series. | Post 2 »

Christmas is nearly upon the Christian and Consumerist parts of the globe. Along much of my latitude, snow is piling up in record quantities and weather warnings abound. Even in oft-green Vancouver, there is a foot or so of the white stuff accumulated in my yard and the parking lot outside my window often echos with the sounds of snow-beached cars helplessly spinning their wheels.

Usually all these things taken together would mean a series of harrowing drives to visit family, followed by lovely hours staying warm indoors, eating comfort food, retelling old stories and enjoying the company of loved ones as the year draws to its close.

However, this year our family time is coming after the holidays and I'm left with the unexpected gift of a week or so of free time.

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Marten Mickos: Contrarian interview

Marten Mickos talks about his joining the founders of MySQL in the early days, reciprocity, and what makes MySQL unique READ MORE

Free Beer, Meetup today has a lot of active open source users and contributors.
The weird thing is that we never meet apart from Fosdem.
Yes, we occasionally run into eachother at other events but there's not enough beer involved.

I've had different people ask me what and where are the Open Source gatherings in Belgium, and we must admit that apart
from Fosdem there isn't that much in our little country.

There were a couple of MySQL User Group events, some Drupal ones, some LUG had meetings altough I have the idea most of them have dried out :(

So I have this crazy idea of inviting you all to grab a beer, maybe even free beer :) on december 29 some in a pub in Antwerp

I`m open for suggestions on good locations.

Oh and everybody is welcome, both readers and writers :)

PS. Yes I know that some of you will be drinking in Berlin at …

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Percona Offers InnoDB Replacement

Open source the way it ought to be. Today, Percona announced a replacement for InnoDB that improves performance and fixes bugs. The new engine is called XtraDB.

According to Vadim at Percona:

It's 100% backwards-compatible with standard InnoDB, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement in your current environment. It is designed to scale better on modern hardware, and includes a variety of other features useful in high performance environments.

The release is pure GPL (v2) and commercial support is available from Percona. If percona keeps this up, they just might become the new MySQL.

The source is available from Launchpad and from …

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Dependency error installing mylvmbackup on Ubuntu 8.04

I’ve started an investigation of MySQL Backups using LVM. I’m working with Lenz’s mylvmbackup but I found it both used Perl and needed a number of dependencies installed.

Installing dependencies failed on my test system, yet I found it actually worked when I went back to my dev system (but it is not configured with LVM for full testing).

$ sudo cpan Config::IniFiles Sys::Syslog Date::Format Getopt::Long  DBI

Details of error:

.... Going to build S/SA/SAPER/Sys-Syslog-0.27.tar.gz

WARNING: LICENSE is not a known parameter.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
'LICENSE' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.
Writing Makefile for Sys::Syslog
cp blib/lib/Sys/
/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/xsubpp -noprototypes …
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Next Project

I spent this past week down in San Jose, CA at my employer’s office for team meetings and to officially kick-off my next big project. The design and architecture was very well received, and I drummed up some excitement with Gearman and working with the OSS community in general (which we’ve not done too much of in the past). We’ll be developing it entirely on Launchpad under GPLv2, and I’ll be writing a number of blog posts covering each component in detail. Why would anyone else find this interesting? It covers many topics of how to write a high-performance application in the cloud. Specific topics will include Gearman, persistent Gearman queues, eventual consistency data models (and related schemas), lightweight Map/Reduce for real-time applications, and how to combine all this with …

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MySQL 5.1 released

Yes, it's finally out. Over 250,000 users have downloaded MySQL 5.1 setting a new record. READ MORE

Kettle at the MySQL UC 2009

Hello Kettle fans,

Like Roland I got confirmation earlier this week that I could present my talk on “MySQL and Pentaho Data Integration in a cloud computing setting”, at the next MySQL user conference.

I’m very excited about the work we’ve done on the subject and it’s going to be great talking about it in April.

See you there!

ZRM 2.1: Storage snapshots as backups

We released  ZRM for MySQL 2.1 Community Edition  today.  ZRM 2.1 includes the ability to treat snapshots as backup images. ZRM has supported backup of MySQL databases using storage snapshots using a plugin interface.  LVM (Logical Volume Manager) and Solaris ZFS snapshots are supported plugins in the ZRM Community Edition.
MySQL administrator can perform regular backups (backup images are stored in the ZRM server) or quick backups (snapshots acting as backup images). Quick backups have smaller backup windows and do not consume network bandwidth.  When MySQL database is stored on one or more ZFS filesystems, users can do multiple quick backups in a day (even once every hour) and convert one quick backup image to a …

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