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Displaying posts with tag: sun (reset)
Report for MySQL Camp, 29th July 2008, Bangalore

This MySQL event with Kaj Arno was well received. Kaj talked about the product, from different aspects, both technical and business with bit of short history, how the community could contribute, how safe MySQL at the hands of Sun, etc. It was very engaging and informative.

In his typical style of localising presentations beyond english , he started the presentations with speaking couple of sentences in few local languages: Kannada, Tamil and Hindi. The audiences were pleasantly surprised and this received huge applause.

I talked about specifically how to contribute code to MySQL-- how to get started with a focus to contribute code. I put lots of urls through out the presentation and I promised to make the slides available through my blog. Here is the slides uploaded to :

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OSCON in pictures

There was a huge Sun booth at OSCON 2008. During opening hours, there were always sessions at the booth, with well known open source presenters.

After hours, you had the choice between socializing on your own or go to the organized events or go to the BoFs, like this one, where Monty presented what he called "community services" in the shape of black vodka mixed to mint candies.

The event was, of course, the Sun Party, where many strange things happened.

Jay challenged Ronald to a sumo wrestling match, only to …

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What is LinkedIn?s main database server?

Someone who should know told me that LinkedIn runs its main application on Oracle. So when I saw the press release about MySQL being their database, I read carefully, and they are not very specific about exactly what MySQL is used for. Depending on how you read it, you could argue that they left open the possibility that the main application database is not MySQL, and the MySQL deal is for something peripheral.

Now, this is nothing but a rotten rumor and I will probably burn in hell for spreading it, but I’d like it to be debunked if it’s false. What is LinkedIn’s main database server? Anyone have the provably correct answer?

PS: I see that LinkedIn is “seeing daily downloads of approximately 200 million.” I didn’t know it was downloadable. I’ve been missing out! Where can I download it?

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LinkedIn Buys Into MySQL

Hot on the heels of news that SquareSpace is using Oracle, comes news that LinkedIn is going whole hog with MySQL.

Actually, you could say that LinkedIn is buying into Sun. They are buying the MySQL Enterprise subscription and they'll be running MySQL on Sparc servers and Solaris 10. They've signed up for Sun Professional Services, MySQL Professional Services, and …

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Drizzle? seeing sun through the clouds

Brian Aker was at the Sun booth today, in a premier slot, where there must have been about 50-60 people, huddled around, to listen to him talk about Drizzle. The project motivations, what’s behind it, what its not aimed to be, and so much more. Check the video out (21 minutes long)!

The Birds of a Feather (BoF) session in the night, was well attended, and there was lots of large discussion on what’s next. I think the important message to take away is that Drizzle doesn’t aim to be MySQL, and there are no plans to “merge” things back (fixes where the code-base is shared though, might make sense). Its also important that the design is for the future, i.e. multi-core machines. It was great to see Brian say that this …

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MySQL vs. PostgreSQL

We were at the Sun+Zend party last night, and it was a blast (thank you Jesse Silver!). If you’re a PostgreSQL or MySQL user/developer or just a general database geek, you should’ve been there. Why?

(watch the video if its stripped in your feed reader)

Monty Widenius (MySQL) and Josh Berkus (PostgreSQL), decided to start sumo wrestling! It ended with a 5-0 score, advantage MySQL.

An attendee Tim Moore twittered: “Postgres is totally losing the sumo match. I’m migrating all of my databases to MySQL tomorrow.”

Monty says, this is what we do to people that leave Sun! In fact, if you didn’t already know, Josh Berkus, …

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Brian, Monty and Tim O?Reilly at OSCON 2008 Keynote

Interested in MySQL? Drizzle? How the Sun acquisition is going for MySQL? Listen to Brian, Monty, and Tim speak about this, at the OSCON panel. Watch the video, its 20+ minutes, it starts off a bit shaky (oops), but I’m mostly happy with the rest. Enjoy.

MySQL’s cloudy new database project

When Sun acquired MySQL and announced that it would invest the resources necessary to position the open source database for mission-critical deployments, I think everyone assumed that the database would eventually become bigger and heavier.

Few would have predicted that we would also see a project that would make the database smaller and lighter, but that is exactly what Drizzle, a new project from Sun’s MySQL director of architecture Brian Aker, is all about.

Drizzle is taking a back-to-the-drawing-board approach to refactoring MySQL by ripping out much of the additional enterprise functionality that has gone into it since version 4.1 and focusing on the demands of a core set of applications.

As Brian …

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OpenSolaris-MySQL-Zend OSCON Bash

One of the interesting things about conferences is the fact that there are usually parties associated with the conference. This usually means free food and drink. Sometimes, it usually means free t-shirts[1].

Anyway, its a great way to mingle and network, share and learn new things. So come to the OpenSolaris-MySQL-Zend OSCON Bash located at the DoubleTree Hotel (Lloyd Centre), on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 from 8pm-midnight.

Jesse Silver (excellent party planner - I found his skills amazing at the OpenSolaris Developer Summit earlier this year, in Santa Cruz, back in May), has assured us that it will be “carnivalesque”. Boxing, tricycle races, shooting galleries, pool, and an open bar :)

[1] - Good, since I’ve had to visit Target to buy some yesterday - thanks to United’s great efforts of …

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MySQL Camp in Bangalore

In Bangalore, India? Definitely go there, to the MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, on the 29 of July 2008, from 4-7pm (no, not Indian Standard Time ;)), and listen to Kaj Arno speak about MySQL.

We’re on the front page of Sun Microsystems .in

In addition to Kaj, Thava Alagu will speak about contributing code to MySQL, and Sonali Minocha (from OSSCube) will speak on optimising enterprise applications.

There is also hope that this will be a regular meetup, aka the Bangalore MySQL User Group. Amit Saha has an entry on MySQL Camp (which …

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