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Displaying posts with tag: gtid (reset)
Flexible Fail-over Policies Using MySQL and Global Transaction Identifiers

<< Previous Post: Advanced use of Global Transaction Identifiers

As we saw in my previous posts, Global Transaction Identifiers in MySQL 5.6 allow you to change the replication topology arbitrarily. You don't even need to specify the positions in the replication stream – when you turn on auto-positioning, the master automatically sends only those transactions that are missing on the slave.

When you do a fail-over, you want to make sure that the new master is up-to-date. For instance, consider the following scenario:
Server A is a master; B, C and …

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Deep Dive into GTIDs and MySQL 5.6 - What, Why and How

Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) are one of the key replication enhancements in MySQL 5.6. GTIDs make it simple to track and compare replication across a master - slave topology. This enables:

- Much simpler recovery from failures of the master,

- Introduces great flexibility in the provisioning and on-going management of multi-tier or ring (circular) replication topologies.

A new on-demand MySQL 5.6 GTID webinar delivered by the replication engineering team is now available, providing deep insight into the design and implementation of GTIDs, and how they enable users to simplify MySQL scaling and HA. The webinar covers:

- Concepts: What is a GTID? How does the …

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Easily testing MySQL 5.6 GTID in a sandbox

MySQL 5.6 seems to be ready for GA. I have no inside information about it, but from some clues collected in various places I feel that the release should not be far away. Thus, it's time for some serious testing, and for that purpose I have worked at updating MySQL Sandbox with some urgent features.

I have just released MySQL Sandbox 3.0.28, with more support for MySQL 5.6. Notably in this release, there is suppression of MySQL 5.6 annoying verbosity, additional suppression of more annoying warnings ( actually a bug) when using empty passwords on …

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Round Robin Replication using GTID

In a previous post I showed how to implement multi-source round-robin replication in pure SQL using the tables that are needed for crash-safe replication. I also outlined a revised version of this approach in the Replication Tips & Tricks presentation I gave at MySQL Connect. This was, however, before the GTID (Global Transaction ID) implementation was done. Now that they are introduced, multi-source replication is even easier since you no longer have to keep track of the positions.

Figure 1. Tables for storing information about masters

CREATE TABLE my_masters (
    host CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL …
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MySQL 5.6, GTID and performance_schema

Not much to add really to the bug I’ve filed here: bug#67159.

Again this GTID stuff looks good, but seems to prevent changes in the configuration of performance_schema, which I think is not appropriate, especially as P_S now has lots of extra goodies and after 5.6 will surely have even more.

MySQL-5.6, GTID and binlogs on slaves

Not much to add really to the bug I’ve filed here: bug#67099.

I personally can think of some very nasty consequences of applying this on the slaves I manage, and the reason I’m posting the bug is that while I guess this is too late to fix in 5.6 as it’s effectively a new feature, I’m sure many sites may bump into this and be somewhat disappointed if they want to use the new GTID feature and have several slaves.  Hence, if the fix/feature has to go into MySQL 5.7 then I hope it goes in sooner rather than later. We will see.

Updated: 2013-09-19

I probably should have updated this earlier but it does seem that Oracle have taken these comments on board. See: WL6559.  It looks like they plan to do this for 5.7 which is good news. I’m really hoping …

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More GTID troubles in MySQL 5.6

A colleague, Kris, commented recently on a recent find I made on 5.6.7-rc1 which while not the end of the world does seem to severely limit the use of the new GTID features, or if nothing else make it a pain to use.

Today I found another related issue, when trying to check the syntax of one of the MySQL commands. That’s now reported as bug#67073.

All of these are sort of edge cases but do make 5.6 look a little rough round the edges, when the rest of the product is actually really good and a great improvement from The MySQL 5.5 GA version that everyone uses.  That’s really a shame.

I did report the Original problem as SR 3-6270525721 : MySQL 5.6.7-rc1, grants, replication and GTID cause problems, but of course that’s …

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MySQL 5.6 Replication: FAQ

On Wednesday May 16th, we ran a webinar to provide an overview of all of the new replication features and enhancements that are previewed in the MySQL 5.6 Development Release – including Global Transaction IDs, auto-failover and self-healing, multi-threaded, crash-safe slaves and more.

Collectively, these new capabilities enable MySQL users to scale for next generation web and cloud applications.

Attendees posted a number of great questions to the MySQL developers, serving to provide additional insights into how these new features are implemented. So I thought it would be useful to post those below, for the benefit of those unable to attend the live webinar (note, you can listen to the On-Demand replay which is available now).

Before getting to the Q&A, there are a couple of other resources that maybe useful to …

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Meet the MySQL Experts Podcast: MySQL Replication Global Transaction Identifiers & HA Utilities

In the latest episode of our “Meet The MySQL Experts” podcast, Luis Soares, Engineering Manager of MySQL Replication discusses the new Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) that are part of the latest MySQL 5.6 Development Release. We are also joined by Chuck Bell who discusses how the new MySQL HA utilities use GTIDs to create a self-healing replication topology.

In the podcast, we cover how GTIDs and the HA utilities are implemented, how they are configured and considerations for their use.

You can also learn more from Luis’ blog on GTIDs in MySQL 5.6 and Chuck’s …

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Initial Reactions to MySQL 5.6

New versions of MySQL are always interesting to try out. Often they have features which I may have asked for myself so it’s satisfying to see them eventually appear on a system I use. Often other new features make life easier for the DBA. Finally we hope overall performance will improve and managing the server(s) will be come easier.

So I had a system which needs to make heavy writes, and performance was a problem, even when writing to SSDs. Checkpointing seemed to be the big issue and the ib_logfile size in MySQL 5.5 is limited to 4 GB. That seems a lot, but once MySQL starts to fill these files (and this happens at ~70% of the total I believe),  checkpointing kicks in heavily, and slows things down.  So the main reason for trying out MySQL 5.6 was to see how things performed with larger ib_logfiles. (Yes, MariaDB 5.5 can do this too.)

Things improved a lot for my specific workload which was great news, but one thing …

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