Yesterday I’ve put some new features into the ansible’s
mysql_replication module, because we are planning to move to GTID
based replication from the good old binlog position based one,
and the module wasn’t aware of.
This parameter can be either 0 or 1, defaults
to 0. If set to 1 the replication will be
threaded as GTID based replication.
This parameter threats the warnings, because MySQL 5.6 complaints
a lot more than the previous versions. (For example, if the
replication is not encrypted with SSL/TLS.) This could break our
playbooks, so you can set it to all, warnings, none
(defaults none). Speaks for itself, all means
all warnings/errors will be shown, if warnings set, then
only the errors will be shown, and the warnings supressed, and if
none then that means, every message will be show …
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