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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
WaffleGrid: 0.5 Cream Release

I wanted to let everyone know that we are releasing Waffle Grid 0.5 code named Cream. This release fixes the nasty secondary index bug that plagued the butter release. I have been running tests on this code base for about a week straight with no errors. While I think this release is much more stable I would remind everyone this is still not a fully GA release. This release includes the ability to choose the mode of Waffle grid. By setting innodb_memcached_enable to 1, we will push pages to memcached when a disk read is done or when a page write is done, setting this to 2 will enable the classic LRU mode. If you decide to set this to 1 ( non-lru) I would recommend using the standard memcached, as with previous versions the LRU mode works better with our slightly altered memcached ( expire from memcached on get ). I will be posting benchmarks and more details within the next couple of days. Right now you can grab the patch on …

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How clustering indexes sometimes help UPDATE and DELETE performance

I recently posted a blog entry on clustering indexes, which are good for speeding up queries.  Eric Day brought up the concern that clustering indexes might degrade update performance. This is often true, since any update will require updating the clustering index as well.

However, there are some cases in TokuDB for MySQL, where the opposite is true: clustering indexes can drastically improve the performance of updates and deletions.  Consider the following analysis and example.

Updates and deletions generally have two steps. First, a query is done to find the necessary rows (the where clause in the statement), and then the rows are modified: they are deleted or updated, as the case may be. So the total time to do a deletion or an update is

T_total = T_query + T_change

Eric noted that …

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vBulletin, session table is InnoDB

In large vBulletin forum we had strange problem in memory table "session", we've 25M post, 1.7M user, 20K online user.So we change engine of session table to InnoDB and set configuration of innoDB as follow (be careful this configuration is not proper for other tables because this is good in performance but bad in crash and recovery, and data reliability)innodb_data_home_dir = /dev/shm/mysql/

Open Communities in Madrid - June 18-19

I am going to Madrid, Spain, to participate in the Open Communities Forum on June 18-19.
As usual with Sun open events, the agenda includes several actors in the open source arena, such as MySQL, Java, Open Solaris, with topics ranging from web development to mobile integration.
It looks promising, and I look forward to this event, which is my first one in Spain.
On the first day, I will do an introductory talk about MySQL, and a more technical workshop for advanced users. The second day will be mainly dedicated to meeting users in the area, but I will also do a guest appearance in a talk about database testing.

Be Wary of Large Log File Sizes

As some people have mentioned here and here Increasing the innodb log file size can lead to nice increases in performance. This is a trick we often deploy with clients so their is not anything really new here. However their is a caveat, please be aware their is a potentially huge downside to having large log file sizes and that’s crash recovery time. You trade real-world performance for crash recovery time. When your expecting your shiny Heartbeat-DRBD setup to fail-over in under a minute this can be disastrous! In fact I have been some places were recovery time is in the hours. Just keep this in mind before you change your settings.

MySQL University: Boosting Performance With MySQL 5.1 Partitioning

This Thursday (June 4th, 14:00 UTC), Giuseppe Maxia will give a MySQL University session on Boosting Performance With MySQL 5.1 Partitioning. Giuseppe is leading the Community team at MySQL and has done various MySQL University sessions before.

For MySQL University sessions, point your browser to this page. You need a browser with a working Flash plugin. You may register for a Dimdim account, but you don't have to. (Dimdim is the conferencing system we're using for MySQL University sessions. It provides integrated voice streaming, chat, whiteboard, session …

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MySQL University - Boosting performance with partitions

Mark your calendars: A MySQL University session about Boosting performance with MySQL 5.1 will take place on Thursday, June 4th at 13:00 UTC ( 8am CDT (Central) / 9am EDT (Eastern) / 14:00 BST / 15:00 CET / 17:00 MDT (Moscow) / 18:30 IST (India))
The session will be conducted through DimDim, a system that allows you to follow the audio and visuals of a presentation from your browser, without any additional settings.

Attendance is free. Please follow the instructions given in the …

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Don’t forget about SHOW PROFILES

It seems that a lot of people want to try to improve MySQL performance by focusing on server status counters and configuration variables. Looking at counters, and “tuning the server,” is better than nothing, but only barely. You care first and foremost about how long it takes to execute a query, not about how many of this-and-that the server performs or about how big or small this-and-that buffer is. What you really need is timing information.

You can use the slow query log to find timing information about queries, and then you can examine those queries with SHOW PROFILES to see the timing information about the query’s execution itself.

This concept is very simple and absolutely fundamental: if you care about time (and you do!), then measure and optimize time. But it’s so often overlooked or misunderstood.

The addition of SHOW PROFILES was a major step forward in the ability to optimize server and …

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Clustering indexes vs. Covering indexes

Yesterday, I (Zardosht) posted an entry introducing clustering indexes.  Here, I elaborate on three differences between a clustering index and a covering index:

  1. Clustering indexes can create indexes that would otherwise bounce up against the limits on the maximum length and maximum number of columns in a MySQL index.
  2. Clustering indexes simplify syntax making them easier and more intuitive to use.
  3. Clustering indexes have smaller key sizes leading to better performance.

Expanding MySQL’s Limits

MySQL allows at most 16 columns in an index and at most 3072 bytes per index. For tables that have more than 16 columns or a row size of greater than 3072 bytes, one cannot create a covering index that includes all of …

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Sun/Intel X-25e 4 Disk Raid 10 tests - part 2

So lets test some different configurations and try and build some best practices around Multiple SSD’s:

Which is better? Raid 5 or Raid 10?

As with regular disks, Raid 10 seems to performance better ( accept for pure reads ).  I did get a lot of movement test to test like with the 67% read test -vs- the 75% or 80% tests. But all in all RAID 10 seemed to be the optimal config.

Should you enable the controller cache? One of the things I have found in my single drive tests is that “dumb” controllers tend to give better performance numbers then “smart” controllers. Really expensive controllers tend to have extra logic to compensate for the limitations of traditional disk. So I decided to play with some of the controller options. The obvious one is cache on the controller.

Some tests showed substantially better performance when the disk cache was disabled ( both read & write ).

If better …

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