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Displaying posts with tag: sun (reset)
Interview by Sun TV at MySQL Conference

At the MySQL Conference and Expo, right after my participation in scaling up or scaling out keynote panel, I talked to Sun's Multimedia team about Sun and MySQL in our environment.

Recently, I found the interview on Sun's Multimedia page. The video of my discussion is embedded below:

Open Source in Rome with Marten Mickos

Marten Mickos will visit Rome on May 30th. He will meet the press and customers in the morning, and will be the main guest at a conference hosted at La Sapienza, Rome well known University.

Here is a raw translation of the official announcement.

Marten Mickos, for seven years MySQL CEO, now Senior Database Group VP in Sun, will be in Rome on May 30th, 2008, at the Computer Sciences Department of "La Sapienza" University, to meet all - developers, technologists, decision makers, bloggers, influencers - who care for Open Source Databases.

Key topics will be the open source model, the present state and the future of MySQL.

Marten will speak at a 20 minutes keynote, and then will be …

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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Speaking at the Italian Free Software Conference

I am speaking at the Italian Free Software Conference, an event with the aim of considering the state of the art of Free Software in Italy.

The conference is held in Trento, Italy, sponsored by public institutions, the local university, and private industries.
My session is about MySQL as open database, which is a philosophical walkthrough of how MySQL has become successful, why Sun has bought it, what is in store for the future.

My Name Is?


With a t at the end. Not a d.

Get it wrong once, possible mistake.

When I correct you, and you do it *again* and *again*, I want to slap you in the face with a keyboard.

It’s especially bad when you’re replying to my email, as my name is spelt correctly at least THREE TIMES right in front of you (Twice in “To: Stewart Smith <stewart@…>” and again in “On X, Stewart Smith wrote:”.

(and if you’re wondering why I’ve tagged this post with “sun” and “mysql” it’s because some of you people are the worst offenders)


Could investor short-termism undermine open source?

When we write about investors on this blog we are normally referring to angel and VC investors and the funding they provide to open source start-ups. There is a small, but growing, list of VCs that clearly understand the open source development and distribution models and the long-term profit potential of open source software vendors.

Can the same be said of individual and institutional investors buying and selling shares in publicly traded software companies? Not according to the analysis of Oliver Alexy, a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Technische Universität München TUM Business School in Munich, Germany.

Oliver has analyzed the impact that releasing software under open source licenses has on a company’s share price. Details have been published this week in the …

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Who Dons the Java DB T-Shirt

Giuseppe Maxia took this picture at JavaOne, 2008, just a couple of days ago.

It shows Marten Mickos (MySQL) donning the Java DB T-Shirt and giving a friendly hug to PostgreSQL evangelist …

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Who's the geek?

An article on PostgreSQL online gives a quick assessment of the difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL people look like a gang of geeks and Martin Mickos looks polished

Who's the geek in this picture?

Showing entries 721 to 730 of 934
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