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Displaying posts with tag: continuent (reset)
Easing the lives of MySQL database administrators with Continuent

We’re excited to announce that customers & users of Continuent will now receive our expert MySQL™ database solutions, services and support when they use Continuent’s Tungsten Enterprise, a complete clustering and data management solution for the MySQL database. The same applies to customers using Tungsten Replicator, an advanced data replication solution.

Overall, the big news is that our companies will now jointly offer Tungsten Enterprise and Tungsten Replicator-based solutions to help MySQL users in accelerating the deployment and management of clustered MySQL databases, as well as the deployment of complex data replication solutions. We will also together offer MySQL users the SkySQL Enterprise subscription, a comprehensive offering of server software, production support and monitoring tools for any version of the MySQL database.

SkySQL continues to be focused on bringing the MySQL database into the future while …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2011.11.11

Topics for this podcast:

*Continuent extends MySQL replication to Oracle Database
*CFEngine updates server automation software
*Devops moving mainstream
*Neo Technology integrates with Spring
*451 CAOS report from Hadoop World

iTunes or direct download (26:56, 4.6MB)

451 CAOS Links 2011.11.08

Cloudera raises $40m. Accel announces $100m fund. Rackspace takes OpenStack private. And more.

# Cloudera raised $40m in series D funding and announced a partnership with NetApp around its NetApp Open Solution for Hadoop.

# Accel Partners launched a $100m Big Data Fund to invest in Hadoop- and NoSQL-related vendors.

# Rackspace …

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Replication stars

Working with replication, you come across many topologies, some of them sound and established, some of them less so, and some of them still in the realm of the hopeless wishes. I have been working with replication for almost 10 years now, and my wish list grew quite big during this time. In the last 12 months, though, while working at Continuent, some of the topologies that I wanted to work with have moved from the cloud of wishful thinking to the firm land of things that happen. My quest for star replication starts with the most common topology. One master, many slaves.

Fig 1. Master/Slave topology


It looks like a star, with the rays extending from the master to the slaves. This is the basis of most of the replication going on mostly everywhere nowadays, and it has few surprises. Setting aside the …

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Usability improvements in Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4

If you love a software product, you should try to improve it, and not be afraid of criticizing it. This principle has guided me with MySQL (where I have submitted many usability bugs, and discussed interface with developers for years), and it proves true for Tungsten Replicator as well. When I started working at Continuent, while I was impressed by the technology, I found the installation procedure and the product logs quite discouraging. I would almost say disturbing. Fortunately, my colleagues have agreed on my usability focus, and we can enjoy some tangible improvements. I have already mentioned the new installation procedure, which requires just one command to install a full master/slave cluster. I would like to show how you can use the new installer to deploy a multiple source …

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451 CAOS Links 2011.04.12

Groklaw declares victory. Cloudera updates Hadoop distro. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and, and daily at
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Groklaw claimed victory, will stop publishing new articles on May 16.

# Cloudera released version 3 of its Hadoop distribution.

# VoltDB released version 1.3 of its open source distributed in-memory database.

# Black Duck grew sales by 51% in Q1.

# eXo and Convertigo …

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451 CAOS Links 2011.03.25

Red Hat grows revenue 20%+. Google withholding Honeycomb source code. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and, and daily at
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Red Hat reported Q4 revenue up 25% to $245m, FY revenue up 22% to $909m

# Google is withholding the source code to Honeycomb for the foreseeable future.

# Rick Clark explained why he left Rackspace amid concerns that the company is exerting too much control over OpenStack.

# DataStax …

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Replication and sandbox talks on the road - San Francisco, Santa Clara, Orlando

In a few weeks, I will be on the road, for an intense set of presentations in the USA.

San Francisco, April 7thI will start the tour at the San Francisco MySQL User Group. On April 7, at 6pm I will talk about Advanced MySQL replication for the masses. This talk will explore topics such as bi-directional replication, multiple sources, parallel replication, seamless failover, with the help of Tungsten replicator.

Santa Clara, April 11, 12The MySQL conference starts on Monday, April 11th, with several three-hour tutorials.

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Advanced replication for the masses - Part II - Parallel replication
I hope you liked the first part of this series of lessons. And I really hope that you have followed the instructions and got your little replication cluster up and working.

If you haven't done that, thinking that you would spare your energies for more juicy matters, I have news for you. What I explained in the previous part is exactly what you need to do to set up parallel replication. With just a tiny additional detail.
For the sake of the diligent readers who have followed the instructions with the first lessons, I won't repeat them, but I'll invite you to set the environment as explained in the first part.
Once you have a cluster up and …

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Advanced replication for the masses - Part I - Getting started with Tungsten Replicator
MySQL DBAs and developers: oil your fingers and get ready to experience a new dimension of data replication. I am pleased to announce that Continuent has just released Tungsten Replicator 2.0, an open source data replication engine that can replace MySQL native replication with a set of advanced features.
A note about the source code. The current version of Tungsten Replicator available in the web site is free to use, but it is not yet the open source version. We need a few weeks more to extract the code from the enterprise tree and make a new build. But we did not want to delay the user experience. So everything …
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