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Displaying posts with tag: optimization (reset)
Mutex contention and other bottlenecks in MySQL

Over the last few weeks I have been doing some work on improving the concurrency performance of PBXT. The last Alpha version (1.0.03) has quite a few problems in this area.

Most of the problems have been with r/w lock and mutex contention but, I soon discovered that MySQL has some serious problems of it's own. In fact, I had to remove some of the bottlenecks in MySQL in order to continue the optimization of PBXT.

The result for simple SELECT performance is shown in the graph below.

Here you can see that the gain is over 60% for 32 or more concurrent threads. Both results show the performance with the newly optimized version of PBXT. The test is running on a 2.16 MHz dual core processor, so I expect an even greater improvement on 4 or 8 cores. The query I ran for this test is …

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How to pick indexes for order by and group by queries

First some of the things that you need to use and understand

Explain Syntax

Order by Optimization

Group by Optimization

Update: Updated errors.

Now some details that are usually missed. GROUP BY does sorting unless you tell mysql not to. GROUP BY has two optimization methods, loose index scan, and tight index scan.

Loose index scan, scans the entire table index, while tight index scan uses some sort of constraint. For large datasets that are accessed often and require some sort of group by, tight index scans are better.

So how to pick columns to create …

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Using Sphinx for Non-Fulltext Queries

How often do you think about the reasons why your favorite RDBMS sucks? Last few months I was doing this quite often and yes, my favorite RDBMS is MySQL. The reason why I was thinking so because one of my recent tasks at Scribd was fixing scalability problems in documents browsing.

The problem with browsing was pretty simple to describe and as hard to fix - we have large data set which consists of a few tables with many fields with really bad selectivity (flag fields like is_deleted, is_private, etc; file_type, language_id , category_id and others). As the result of this situation it becomes really hard (if possible at all) to display documents lists like “most popular 1-10 pages PDF documents in Italian language from the category “Business” (of course, non-deleted, …

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Optimizing MySQL and InnoDB on Solaris 10 for World's Largest Photo Blogging Community - Video

The video of one of my three sessions, "Optimizing MySQL and InnoDB on Solaris 10 for World's Largest Photo Blogging Community", presented at MySQL Conference & Expo 2008 has been uploaded by Sheeri. I am very thankful to her for doing all the hard work and making it available.

There are a few slides that were edited out of video because of reasons beyond my control. However, you should still be able to enjoy most of the video.

There is one point related to this video that I would like to make: Based on my particular experience I was leading to believe that Solaris 10 Kernel had the …

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EXPLAIN Cheatsheet

At the 2008 MySQL Conference and Expo, The Pythian Group gave away EXPLAIN cheatsheets. They were very nice, printed in full color and laminated to ensure you can spill your coffee* on it and it will survive.

For those not at the conference, or those that want to make more, the file is downloadable as a 136Kb PDF at explain-diagram.pdf

* or tea, for those of us in the civilized world.

Two basic indexing tips ...

Here are two basic tips for proper indexing ...Don't mess with datatypes, too often people refer to an attribute defining it as one datatype in a table and as another in different tables, this actually prevents index usage in joins (forget about FKs for this time ;)) See an example here. You could declare a function based index as a workaround, but why don't we all try to make it right?Put

Tweaks for loading data into MySQL


More progress on High Performance MySQL, Second Edition

Whew! I just finished a marathon of revisions. It's been a while since I posted about our progress, so here's an update for the curious readers.

Progress report on High Performance MySQL, Second Edition

It's been a while since I've written about progress on the book. I actually stopped working on it as much at the beginning of the month, because on October 31(st) I managed to finish a first draft of the last big chapter! Now I'm back to full-time work at my employer, and I'm working on the book in the evenings and weekends only. Read on for details of what I've been working on and what's next in the pipeline.

High Performance MySQL, Second Edition: Schema Optimization and Indexing

I've been trying to circle back and clean up things I left for later in several chapters of High Performance MySQL, second edition. This includes a lot of material in chapter 4, Schema Optimization and Indexing. At some point I'll write more about the process of writing this book, and what we've done well and what we've learned to do better, but for right now I wanted to complete the picture of what material we have on schema, index, and query optimization. The last two chapters I've written about (Query Performance Optimization and Advanced MySQL Features) have generated lots of feed back along the lines …

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