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Displaying posts with tag: 8.0 (reset)
Using MySQL Database Service in OCI – Part 1: creating a MySQL DB System

This post is the first of a series of articles dedicated to MySQL Database Service (MDS):

The goal of this series if to get familiar with MDS, HeatWave and useful MySQL Shell utilities.

In this first article we will start by creating a MySQL DB System and a Compute instance in OCI. One of the goal is also to see the benefits of HeatWave, so we will start by creating this …

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MySQL 8.0 Document Store – How to deal with date & time

As you know, MySQL 8.0 can be used as JSON Document Store to store your documents without being linked to any schema. You can also use CRUD operations to deal with these documents using the MySQL X DevAPI.

Of course in documents, it’s possible to also store temporal attributes like date, time, datetime, …

Let’s see how we can deal with such attributes.

This is an example of a collection of documents with a datetime attribute createdOn:

As those attributes don’t have a real type, can we use the createdOn attribute as if it was a real datetime field ?

Let’s try to get all the documents have a created data > '2021-12-02':

We can see that the document “dave” has been filtered out. However, we can see that “kenny” and “miguel” are also present… and this is correct as …

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MySQL 8.0 – InnoDB Parallel Threads for Online DDL Operations

MySQL 8.0.27 introduced a new variable to control the maximum of parallel threads InnoDB can use for creating (sorting and building) secondary indexes: innodb_ddl_threads.

This new variable is coupled with another new variable: innodb_ddl_buffer_size.

If you have fast storage and multiple CPU cores, tuning these variables can speed up secondary index creation.

For this example, I used the airportdb database, and I added a secondary index to the largest table, booking.

Let’s start with the default settings:

 SQL  alter table booking …
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MySQL 8.0.27: thank you for the contributions

In October 10th was released the latest GA version of MySQL: 8.0.27.

As usual, it’s highly advised to read the release notes to get informed about the changes and bug fixed.

MySQL is Open Source and each release contains contributions from our great Community. Let me thanks all the contributors on behalf of the entire MySQL Team: Thank you !

MySQL 8.0.27 includes contributions from Adam Cable, Lukasz Sanek, Kaiwang Chen, Shaohua Wang,
Øystein Grøvlen, Zheng Lai, Huqing Yan, Biran Yue, Xiaoyu Wang, Hong Wang,
Kevin Michel, Björn Michael, Kaige Ye, Yubao Liu and Facebook.

Once again, thank you all for your great contributions.

Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:

Clients / Connectors

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MySQL 8.0 – locking details

Recently, I saw many interest in understanding and getting information about database locking.

MySQL InnoDB’s locking can be complex and having an overview not always simple.

For more information about how InnoDB locking is working, I can only recommend this excellent series of articles by Kuba:

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Migration from Percona XtraDB Cluster/Galera to MySQL InnoDB Cluster in 10 steps

MySQL InnoDB Cluster is the official High Availability solution for and from MySQL.

MySQL InnoDB Cluster is composed by MySQL Server, MySQL Group Replication, MySQL Router and MySQL Shell.

Before InnoDB Cluster there was no standard solution for MySQL Availability and many custom solutions were used (some better than the others). But there was a good solution using some similar principles of MySQL Group Replication: Galera.

Now that MySQL InnoDB Cluster is mature and easier to orchestrate than galera, I receive a lot of requests on how to migrate from Galera (or Percona XtraDB Cluster) to MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

I already wrote some time ago an article on this process: how to migrate from Galera to MySQL Group Replication.

In this article we will see how we can migrate from Percona XtraDB …

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MySQL Shell and extra Python modules

When you use MySQL Shell with extra Python plugins (like these available on GitHub), sometimes, you could need extra Python modules.

Some of my plugins require requests and prettytable for example.

MySQL 8.0.26 uses embedded Python 3.9 and if your system doesn’t have that version (like Oracle Linux 8), you won’t be able to install the missing module.

So how could we install the missing modules ? The easiest method is to use PIP, but if you don’t have PIP for Python 3.9 installed on the system, this will be more complicated…. not really !

This how to install PIP in MySQL Shell:

mysqlsh --py -f 

And now you can use PIP to install extra modules:

mysqlsh --pym pip …
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Best way to start a thread when looking for MySQL Help and more

I’m active on multiple platforms (mail, slack, forums, …) and often, when people are looking for help, the first 5 or 10 questions are always the same:

  • which version of MySQL are you running ?
  • which OS ?
  • is it in the cloud ?
  • which provider ?
  • are you using replication ?
  • GTIDs ?
  • ….

I’ve added to MySQL Shell Plugin repository and plugin called support which provides an output that user can share when looking for MySQL help.

Usually, I’m focusing only in MySQL 8.0, but this plugin works with older versions too (don’t try MySQL 3.23…. it should be compatible from 5.6).

Let’s see an output if I run it locally:

[fred@fedora ~] $ mysqlsh root@localhost -e "support.fetchInfo()"
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Oracle Live: MySQL & HeatWave

On December 2, Edward Screven, Oracle’s chief corporate architect revealed the Oracle MySQL Database Service with Analytics Engine known as HeatWave.

During Oracle Live on August 10th, 9AM PST, 12 noon ET / 1 PM BRT / 6 PM CEST, Edward Screven will share our latest MySQL innovations, along with the latest benchmarks, that show the speed and cost savings gained with MySQL HeatWave.

HeatWave, in-memory query accelerator for the Oracle MySQL Database Service, allows customers to run very fast analytics queries directly against their MySQL databases entirely avoiding the step of data ETL into a …

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Migrate MyISAM tables from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0

The MySQL Ecosystem has been using InnoDB as the default transactional engine for many years now. If you are one of the few still using MyISAM, it is time you also converted and benefited from InnoDB.

If you plan to upgrade to MySQL 8.0, you have several options to deal with those MyISAM tables.

Please note that you should not use MyISAM tables. MyISAM is not ACID compliant and can lead to data loss. Also MyISAM only supports full table lock and no row locking.

As you may recall, in 5.7, MyISAM has MYD, MYI, FRM files. In 8.0, the FRM is replaced with SDI (Serialized Dictionnary Information).  Lets review multiple ways to migrate those MyISAM tables to 8.0:

Migration Options

There are multiple solutions to migrate the MyISAM data to 8.0:

  1. In-place upgrade (just …
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