So, you are thinking about Cloud Computing? Is it a fad, along
the lines of SOA, OOP, NoSQL, ORDBMS or is it a new paradigm when
it comes to infrastructure? (not that a fad is bad, it's just
that a fad, in my mind, is something that is grossly overblown in
proportion. OOP is a good thing, but tell you what, OO-talibans
out there, despite what you may think, OOP will not create peace
in the middle east (if it did, I'd embrace it right now)).
But all that aside, what is in the Cloud, really? And from a
technical standpoint, it seems simple enough: Your servers
running across a number of virtual machines, with virtual disks
and what have you not, where you pay for resource use and you
share the environment with a bunch of other users. And that
really is not that complicated. And from a pure technical view,
that is it, sort of, but there is more to it than that, because
when you come to run your stuff in a cloud, you realize that
things …
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