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Displaying posts with tag: Useful database tips (reset)
Using SQL to create SQL (and other usefulness)

Today, I had a task of modifying a slave to exclude (or if you want to say specifically include) tables. The situation is that this slave need only contain tables used for reporting. The added benefit being that with fewer tables to replicate there will be less replication traffic, less disk I/O and less disk space used hence better performance for queries that digest statistical data.

In the past, I would manually edit files, but today I decided to turn over a new leaf and be lazy — and let the database do the work for me! I’m posting this article because I feel obliged to share with you my laziness.

The client provided me a list of tables in a spreadsheet which I cut-n-pasted and used the magical regex powers of vim to give me a quoted, comma-separated list of tables. I love information_schema, because as opposed to ‘SHOW’ commands which may be easy to remember, don’t give me the ability to produce an output which I …

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