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Displaying posts with tag: vi editor (reset)
Turn on or off color syntax highlighting in vi or vim editor

Vim or vi is a text editor. It can be used to edit all kinds of plain text. It is especially useful for editing programs or UNIX/Linux configuration files.Turn on syntax highlighting:
Open file (for example$ vi test.shNow press ESC key to enter into command mode then type  ” : syntax on OR syn on”:syntax onOR:syn onThat’s it.. the color syntax highlighting will be enabled until you close that file (useful when you working on server where you can’t enable it permanently because of restriction and not having desired access of .vimrc file.)
Turn off syntax highlighting:
Press ESC key to enter into command mode then type “: syntax off OR syn off”:syntax offOR: syn off
Enable color syntax highlighting permanently:
You may need to add "syntax on" (or "syn on") in your $HOME/.vimrc file$ vi …

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