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Displaying posts with tag: bzr pull (reset)
Maintaining (and Building) your MySQL Source Tree on Windows

I just have one last post to round out my series on building MySQL and MariaDB on Windows.

Before, I showed how to obtain the latest source tree and build it. In this one, I simply want to show how easy it is to continue off of that.

So it’s been a week or so, and now you want the latest fixes:

  1. cd C:\mysql-5.5\mysql-5.5
  2. bzr pull
  3. cmake . -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release
  4. VS: File -> Open -> Solution -> MySql.sln
  5. VS: Build -> Build Solution
  6. VS: Right-click “PACKAGE” -> Build (in “Solution Explorer” View)

Simple as that.

Your “no-install” package will be located at:


Full Outputs for Reference:

C:\Users\Chris>cd …
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