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Displaying posts with tag: Drupal performance (reset)
Drupal in the cloud

It is not always easy to scale Drupal -- not because Drupal sucks, but simply because scaling the LAMP stack (including Drupal) takes no small amount of skill. You need to buy the right hardware, install load balancers, setup MySQL servers in master-slave mode, setup static file servers, setup web servers, get PHP working with an opcode cacher, tie in a distributed memory object caching system like memcached, integrate with a content delivery network, watch security advisories for every component in your system and configure and tune the hell out of everything.

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Database replication lag

As explained in an earlier blog post, we recently started using MySQL master-slave replication on in order to provide the scalability necessary to accommodate our growing demands. With one or more replicas of our database, we can instruct Drupal to distribute or load balance the SQL workload among different database servers.

MySQL's master-slave replication is an asynchronous replication model. Typically, all the mutator queries (like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) go to a single master, and the master propagates all updates to the slave servers without synchronization or communication. While the asynchronous nature has its advantages, it is also means that the slaves might be (slightly) out of sync.

Consider the following …

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Scaling with MySQL replication

To deal with Drupal's growth, we're adding a second database server to which is useful for at least two reasons. First, we'll be able to handle more SQL queries as we can distribute them between multiple database servers (load balancing). Secondly, this new server can act as a "hot spare" that can immediately take over if the other database server fails (high availability / fail-over).

The current plan is to configure both database servers in master-slave configuration, which is the most common replication model for websites. This model provides scalability, but not necessarily fail-over. With a master-slave configuration, all data modification queries (like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries) are sent to the master. The master writes …

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Drupal's database interaction

I used XDebug to profile the behavior of Drupal, and to study the interaction with the database server. I aggregated the profile information of 100 requests to the main page using the "Apache, mod_php, PHP4, APC" configuration used for previous benchmark experiments. More information about my experimental setup is available at that page. XDebug generates a trace file with all the profile information which I visualized using KCacheGrind.

Drupal has a page cache mechanism which stores dynamically generated web pages in the database. By caching a web page, Drupal …

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