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Displaying posts with tag: random data (reset)
Insert Random Data into Tables Using mysql_random_data_load

In this short blogpost, we’ll show you how to use the mysql_random_data_load tool to insert random data into tables. This is a great aide in testing when you have empty tables and need them to be populated with data. We’ve all done it manually (the INSERT INTO … VALUES … way), but that is surely a waste of time. It can add up to a lot if you need to test tables with many columns, or even worse, with foreign keys.

Before saying anything else, we would like to mention that this tool is still under development, and that it will insert random data into tables. Be aware if running it in a production environment!

mysql_random_data_load is a tool created by …

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Recover Lost MySQL data with mysqlbinlog point-in-time-recovery example

Backup ... backup... Backup... but of course.. you also need to monitor and test those backups often otherwise they could be worthless.  Having your MySQL binlogs enabled can certainly help you in times of an emergency as well.  The MySQL binlogs are often referenced in regards to MySQL replication, for a good reason, they store all of the queries or events that alter data (row-based is a little different but this an example). The binlogs have a minimal impact on server performance when considering the recovery options they provide.

[anothermysqldba]> show variables like 'log_bin%';
| …

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How To Generate Random test Data In MySQL

Are you tired of manually generating test data for your MySQL tables? If you’re looking for random data generator, look no further! Introducing the MySQL Random Data Generator, a powerful…

The post How To Generate Random test Data In MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

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