I've been involved in a number of interviews over the last few weeks as a client has been loking for a MySQL DBA. When you are looking for position as a DBA in a large scale environement there are some very important things you have to know.
You absolutely must know a scripting language. In a smaller environment this often isn't necessary. You will live and die by this in a large environment. I asked every applicant one specific question..if you had to change a mysql server variable on a pool of 100 mysql servers how would you do this? It's easy when it's one,two or even a dozen servers. just log in, change the my.cnf and change it "on the fly" if you can. Restart mysql if you can't.
You going to do that to 100 servers? It will take all day and be prone to failures. Scripting is the key here. Even just bash shell scripting can be very powerful. In another post I will cover a simple bash script to loop through a …
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