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MySQL Miniconf @ LinuxConfAU 2008: Call for Papers

I have just been notified that my proposal for a one-day MySQL Miniconf at LinuxConfAU 2008 in Melbourne has been accepted, so here's the call-for-papers! The MySQL miniconf was packed all day last time, and we had more proposals than we could fit... so, let's make 2008 a good one too!

There are about 6 or 7 slots of 50 minutes each. We could do 2x25 minutes for some, and possibly a slot with 5 minute lightning talks. A proposal should contain a short title and abstract of what you intend to talk about, what duration the talk would be (5, 25, 50), and a brief bio of yourself. Naturally you may submit multiple abstracts for different topics; chances are that at most one can be accepted so we see a good range of speakers and talks.

Please email your proposals to: m i n i c o n f 0 8 (at) l e n t z (dot) c o m (dot) a u
(so that is miniconf zero-eight at my private domain)
I'll grab one or two other people to …

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