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Displaying posts with tag: timeseries (reset)
TokuDB vs InnoDB in timeseries INSERT benchmark

This post is a continuation of my research of TokuDB’s  storage engine to understand if it is suitable for timeseries workloads.

While inserting LOAD DATA INFILE into an empty table shows great results for TokuDB, what’s more interesting is seeing some realistic workloads.

So this time let’s take a look at the INSERT benchmark.

What I am going to do is to insert data in 16 parallel threads into the table from the previous post:

CREATE TABLE `sensordata` (
  `ts` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `sensor_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `data1` double NOT NULL,
  `data2` double NOT NULL,
  `data3` double NOT NULL,
  `data4` double NOT NULL,
  `data5` double NOT …
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