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Displaying posts with tag: backup scripts (reset)
Handling long-running queries in MySQL with Percona XtraBackup

I recently had a case where replication lag on a slave was caused by a backup script. First reaction was to incriminate the additional pressure on the disks, but it turned out to be more subtle: Percona XtraBackup was not able to execute FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK due to a long-running query, and the server ended up being read-only. Let’s see how we can deal with that kind of situation.

In short

Starting with Percona XtraBackup 2.1.4, you can:

  • Configure a timeout after which the backup will be aborted (and the global lock released) with the lock-wait-threshold, lock-wait-query-type and lock-wait-timeout options
  • Or automatically kill all queries that prevent the lock to be granted with the kill-long-queries-timeout and kill-long-query-type settings

Full documentation is …

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