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Displaying posts with tag: gcache (reset)
Want IST Not SST for Node Rejoins? We Have a Solution!

What if we tell you that there is a sure way to get IST not SST for node rejoins? You can guarantee that a new node rejoins using IST. Sound interesting? Keep reading.

Normally when a node is taken out of the cluster for a short period of time (for maintenance or shutdown), gcache on other nodes of the cluster help donate the missing write-set(s) when the node rejoins. This approach works if you have configured a larger gcache, or the downtime is short enough. Both approaches aren’t good, especially for a production cluster. Also, a larger gcache for the server lifetime means blocking larger disk-space when the same job can be done with relative smaller disk-space.

Re-configuring gcache, on a potential DONOR node before downtime requires a node …

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Understanding how an IST donor is selected

In a clustering environment, we often see a node that needs to be taken down for maintenance. For a node to rejoin, it should re-sync with the cluster state. In PXC (Percona XtraDB Cluster), there are 2 ways for the rejoining node to re-sync: State Snapshot Transfer (SST) and Incremental State Transfer (IST). SST involves a full data transfer (which could be time consuming). IST is an incremental data transfer whereby only missing write-sets are donated by a DONOR to the rejoining node (aka as JOINER).

In this article I will try to show how a DONOR for the IST process is selected.

Selecting an IST DONOR

First, a word about gcache. Each node retains some write-sets in its cache known as gcache. Once this gcache is full it is purged to make room for new write-sets. Based on gcache configuration, each node may retain a different span of write-sets. The wider the span, the greater the probability of the node acting as …

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Galera Cache (gcache) is finally recoverable on restart

This post describes how to recover Galera Cache (or gcache) on restart.

Recently Codership introduced (with Galera 3.19) a very important and long awaited feature. Now users can recover Galera cache on restart.


If you gracefully shutdown cluster nodes one after another, with some lag time between nodes, then the last node to shutdown holds the latest data. Next time you restart the cluster, the last node shutdown will be the first one to boot. Any followup nodes that join the cluster after the first node will demand an SST.

Why SST, when these nodes already have data and only few write-sets are missing? The DONOR node caches missing write-sets in Galera cache, but on restart this cache is wiped clean and restarted fresh. So the DONOR node …

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All You Need to Know About GCache (Galera-Cache)

This blog discusses some important aspects of GCache.

Why do we need GCache?

Percona XtraDB Cluster is a multi-master topology, where a transaction executed on one node is replicated on another node(s) of the cluster. This transaction is then copied over from the group channel to Galera-Cache followed by apply action.

The cache can be discarded immediately once the transaction is applied, but retaining it can help promote a node as a DONOR node serving write-sets for a newly booted node.

So in short, GCache acts as a temporary storage for replicated transactions.

How is GCache managed?

Naturally, the first choice to cache these write-sets is to use memory allocated pool, which is governed by gcache.mem_store. However, this is deprecated and buggy and shouldn’t be used.

Next …

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Understanding GCache and Record-Set Cache in Percona XtraDB Cluster

In this blog, we will examine the differences between GCache and Record-Set Cache in Percona XtraDB Cluster.

In Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC), there is the concept of GCache and Record-Set cache (which can also be called transaction write-set cache). The use of these two caches is often confusing if you are running long transactions, as both of them result in the creation of disk-level files. Let’s understand what their main differences are.

Record-Set Cache

  • When you run a long-running transaction on any particular node, it will try to append a key for each row that it tries to modify (the key is a unique identifier for the row {db,table,pk.columns}). This information is cached in out-write-set, which is then sent to the group for …
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Bypassing SST in Percona XtraDB Cluster with incremental backups

Beware the SST

In Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) I often run across users who are fearful of SSTs on their clusters. I’ve always maintained that if you can’t cope with a SST, PXC may not be right for you, but that doesn’t change the fact that SSTs with multiple Terabytes of data can be quite costly.

SST, by current definition, is a full backup of a Donor to Joiner.  The most popular method is Percona XtraBackup, so we’re talking about a donor node that must:

  1. Run a full XtraBackup that reads its entire datadir
  2. Keep up with Galera replication to it as much as possible (though laggy donors don’t send flow control)
  3. Possibly still be serving application traffic if you don’t remove Donors from rotation.
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How to calculate the correct size of Percona XtraDB Cluster’s gcache

When a write query is sent to Percona XtraDB Cluster all the nodes store the writeset on a file called gcache. By default the name of that file is galera.cache and it is stored in the MySQL datadir. This is a very important file, and as usual with the most important variables in MySQL, the default value is not good for high-loaded servers. Let’s see why it’s important and how can we calculate a correct value for the workload of our cluster.

What’s the gcache?
When a node goes out of the cluster (crash or maintenance) it obviously stops receiving changes. When you try to reconnect the node to the cluster the data will be outdated. The joiner node needs to ask a donor to send the changes happened during the downtime.

The donor …

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Finding a good IST donor in Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6

Gcache and IST

The Gcache is a memory-based cache of recent Galera transactions that is local to each node in a cluster.  If a node leaves and rejoins the cluster, it can use the gcache from another node that stayed in the cluster (i.e., its donor node) to fetch the transactions it missed (IST) as opposed to doing a full state snapshot transfer (SST).  However, there are a few nuances that are not obvious to the beginner:

  • The Gcache is lost when a node restarts
  • The Gcache is fixed size and implemented as a LRU.  Once it is full, older transactions roll off.
  • Donor selection is made irregardless of the gcache state
  • If the given donor for a restarting node doesn’t have all transactions needed, a full SST (read: full backup) is done instead
  • Until recent developments, there was no way to tell what, precisely, was in the Gcache.

So, with (somewhat) …

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Understanding gcache in Galera

October 16, 2013 By Severalnines

Galera uses a preallocated file with a specific size called gcache, used to store the writesets in circular buffer style. By default, its size is 128MB. In this post, we are going to explore how to leverage gcache to improve the operation of a Galera cluster.


Test Case


We have a four node Galera cluster, using the latest release 23.2.7(r157). We have a table called t1 that is replicated by Galera on all nodes. The cluster nodes have allocated the default 128MB gcache.size, and we’ll try to execute a large writeset to see how gcache responds.

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