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Displaying posts with tag: async replication (reset)
Fixing Errant GTID With Orchestrator: The Easy Way Out

In this article, we will discuss errant Transaction /GTID and how we can solve them with the Orchestrator tool.

Orchestrator is a MySQL high availability and replication management tool that runs as a service and provides command line access, HTTP API, and Web interface. I will not go into the details of the Orchestrator but will explore one of the features that can help us solve the errant GTID in a replication topology.

What are errant transactions?

Simply stated, they are transactions executed directly on a replica. Thus they only exist on a specific replica. This could result from a mistake (the application wrote to a replica instead of writing to the source) or by design (you need additional tables for reports).

What problem can errant transactions cause?

The major problem it causes during a planned change in a MySQL replication topology is that the transaction is not present in the binlog and hence …

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How to Benchmark Replication Performance in MySQL

In this blog, I will cover important aspects which you need to test when benchmarking replication setup. MySQL has great tools that could be used to test its performance. They include:

sysbench –

BMK-kit –

mysqlslap –

LinkBench –

I will not describe how to use them here, as you can find instructions on the provided links or in the Percona blog by browsing tags …

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How to Resolve “Error Reading Relay Log Event” After Relay Log Corruption

In this blog, I explain how to recover from a replication failure caused by a corrupted relay log file.

MySQL replica stores data received from its source binary log in the relay log file. This file could be corrupted due to various reasons, mostly hardware failures. If this happens, replication will stop working, and the error log on the replica will have entries similar to:

2022-05-12T12:32:07.282374Z 2 [ERROR] Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Event too small', data_len: 0, event_type: 0
2022-05-12T12:32:07.282386Z 2 [ERROR] Error reading relay log event for channel '': slave SQL thread aborted because of I/O
2022-05-12T12:32:07.282396Z 2 [ERROR] Slave SQL for channel '': Relay log read failure: Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the master's binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog' on the binary log), the slave's relay log is corrupted (you can check this by running …
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MySQL Ripple: The First Impression of a MySQL Binlog Server

Just about a month ago, Pavel Ivanov released Ripple under the Apache-2.0 license. Ripple is a MySQL binlog server: software which receives binary logs from MySQL or MariaDB servers and delivers them to another MySQL or MariaDB server. Practically ,this is an intermediary master which does not store any data, except the binary logs themselves, and does not apply events. This solution allows saving of a lot of resources on the server, which acts only as a middle-man between the master and its actual slave(s).

The intermediary server, keeping binary logs only and not doing any other job, is a prevalent use case which allows us to remove IO (binlog read) and network (binlog retrieval via network) load from the actual …

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Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments and Read Replicas

Amazon RDS is a managed relational database service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. One of the common questions that we get is “What is Multi-AZ and how it’s different from Read Replica, do I need both?”.  I have tried to answer this question in this blog post and it depends on your application needs. Are you looking for High Availability (HA), read scalability … or both?

Before we go to into detail, let me explain two common terms used with Amazon AWS.

Region – an AWS region is a separate geographical area like US East (N. Virginia), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), EU (London) etc. Each AWS Region has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones.

Availability Zone (AZ) – AZ is simply one or more data …

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Useful MySQL 5.6 features you get for free in PXC 5.6

I get a lot of questions about Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 (PXC 5.6), specifically about whether such and such MySQL 5.6 Community Edition feature is in PXC 5.6.  The short answer is: yes, all features in community MySQL 5.6 are in Percona Server 5.6 and, in turn, are in PXC 5.6.  Whether or not the new feature is useful in 5.6 really depends on how useful it is in general with Galera.

I thought it would be useful to highlight a few features and try to show them working:

Innodb Fulltext Indexes

Yes, FTS works in Innodb in 5.6, so why wouldn’t it work in PXC 5.6?  To test this I used the Sakila database , which contains a single table with FULLTEXT.  In the sakila-schema.sql file, it is still designated a MyISAM table:

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Measuring Max Replication Throughput on Percona XtraDB Cluster with wsrep_desync

Checking throughput with async MySQL replication

Replication throughput is the measure of just how fast the slaves can apply replication (at least by my definition).  In MySQL async replication this is important to know because the single-threaded apply nature of async replication can be a write performance bottleneck.  In a production system, we can tell how fast the slave is currently running (applying writes), and we might have historical data to check for the most throughput ever seen, but that doesn’t give us a solid way of determining where we stand right NOW().

An old consulting trick to answer this question is to simply stop replicating on your slave for a minute, (usually just the SQL_THREAD), restart it and watch how long it takes to catch up.  We can also watch the slave thread apply rate during this interval to get a sense of just how many writes per second we can do and compare that with the normal rate …

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